Mar 23, 2005 10:23
I have a rather amusing story:
Note: names are represented by capital initials
Last night my friends and I were studying for our math test when we heard water rushing in the wall by our bathroom. This would seem to be a normal occurrence except for the fact that it has never happened before. My roommate C and I gave each other questioning looks and then she went to get an RC (adult-supervision). The RC, D, said to ignore it. Thinking that this was probably not the best idea, C and I became a little concerned. This was intesified by what happened next. Suddenly, water started coming out of the fan in the ceiling of our bathroom. We started screaming and tugging at the bucket that we had lodged behind the toilet. I put the bucket under the flow of water and slammed the door. Then my roommate went to get D again. D told us to put a bucket under the water. She didn't seem to understand how much water was falling. It was on the carpet outside the bathroom door, on the bathroom floor, in the bucket, and all over the toilet. Just then the girl who lives in the room right above us came in and asked if there was any water leaking. We showed her our bathroom. She said: "It's not clean" and ran out of the room. So we found out that the *water* wasn't really *water* at all. Disgusted and desperate to get some studying done, C and I went up to our friends B and K's room. After we had been there for a little while, we went down to check our room. The leaking had stopped, but it was a mess. We were going up the stairs when we saw four janitors carrying a large water vacuum going into the room above us. A different RC than the one C had told was walking down the hallway. We went and told her that our room was a diaster too. She said that the janitors would come down there next. So my roommate and I went down to our room to wait. The janitors came and cleaned up all the water with their vacuum. They also left a rather large and obnoxious fan blowing at our bathroom. Figuring we would never be able to sleep with that thing on, C and I went to find the RC who had actually been helpful. We asked if we could sleep in B and K's room. She said one of us could and the other would have to find a different room for fire safety reasons. So C decided to sleep in our other friend M's room. Well, that was okay, except that C still had to study and M was asleep. So she broke in-room in B and K's room to study. This was alright, except B and I wanted to sleep. So now we have four girls in one room, two trying to sleep and two talking. I could not get K to shut up. Finally, everyone went to bed. This morning we had another problem. 4 teenage girls plus one bathroom equals disaster. We all got to class about five minutes late. On the plus side, I think I did alright on my math test. However, we have room inspections tonight because we are all leaving for spring break tomorrow. So C and I have to do some major cleaning to get our bathroom in a presentable condition. All the *water* is gone, but it needs a serious coat disenfectant. Ugh. Maintenance is supposed to fix whatever the problem is today. I think it has something to do with the pipes in the wall because C and I definetly heard water IN the wall. Plus, an overflowed toilet is not supposed to flood the people on the bottom floor.
Last night was particularly interesting because C, B, K and I are planning on having a quad next year. We will have two rooms with an adjoining door, so we won't have as much of a problem, but still... We will have to put up with the days when K or B decide that they want to stay up until two in the morning. But hey, what are friends for?
Note: re-posted from my old blog,
06b sext,