Aug 19, 2005 22:11
I am so tired of hearing about Intelligent Design. I'm almost ready to say just freaking let them teach it so all the Evangelicals will SHUT UP! God Almighty... It's not that I don't think kids are smart enough to be able to throw this bs back in the teacher's face. Okay it kind of is, but really now, there's not a whole lot of hope that those students will ever believe anything other than creation anyway so... I don't know. I don't know what it's like to question science because it disagrees with the Bible. I don't get it. But the thing that annoys me is that they are trying to pass something off as soemthing else. That's not going to sit well with me no matter who, or what, it is. It's trying to change definitions and fake reality, and we have quite enough of that in our schools without screwing with evolution, thank you. Just. shut. up. Or better yet, petition to get the school to start a class on religion. THAT would make sense. Teaching a religion class is no more against the constitution than teaching religion in science. So at least say it like it is. Don't skirt the constitution by hiding something where it doesn't belong. Or just give up entirely, and make me really, really, REALLY happy. But I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon. So... I just can't get over it. Intelligent Design can be blown apart by just one of the many evidences for evolution. Ever heard of jury-rigged structures?? Of course not, because the proponents of Intelligent Design probably spent most of their time in Biology either reading the bible or telling someone else to read it. Jury-rigged structures are structures in an animal's body that work, but that look like they were designed by a precocious four year old. So unless Intelligent Design buffs are suggesting that their Lord is a precocious four year old... One example~ The panda's thumb. The panda does not have a opposable thumb. What it has is a bone that sticks out farther than the rest of it's hand, and a small muscle to move it slightly. The panda uses it to strip bamboo leaves off bamboo stalks. Yeah, it works, but I think getting the leaves off might be just a little easier for those of us with opposable thumbs than it is for the panda with the wiggly bone. Now as pandas need the bamboo leaves to eat... You'd think that an intelligent designer would have made pandas something that made it a bit easier to get their food. In fact, if life was designed by God, why didn't he just make us all so that we could make our own food like plants? World hunger solved! Or why didn't he make us completely automatic like plants so that we couldn't tell him he didn't exist? *storms off to have a more intelligent conversation* hahaha.
Have a nice day, friends of Intelligent Design. Stay out of my school.
Note: Re-posted from my old blog,