The man who was selling the tickets asked (before I asked anything) : you want a ticket for Twilight 2 ? I do not know if I should feel insulted or not. (Please, do not answer to this.)
-- First of all, it wasn't bad ! I think Chris Weitz did a much better job than Christine Hardwick (no hard feelings, Twilight is still the film to watch when you want to have a good laugh). It's very close to the book (or at least I didn't notice any important things missing like I did for Twilight) and there isn't anything uttlery ridiculous or stupid or out of place.
It's hard to say how I feel, though. I don't have a strong opinion which I guess is not good. I enjoyed it. The problem is, to me, that when you've read the book, seen the promo pictures, seen the couple of trailers, you've already seen the film. There's nothing more. No real surprises. No sparkles. It's very frustrating to feel that way after all the WHATTHEHELL???? we had in Twilight. Don't worry, there was a real effort on that side in New Moon but somewhat it's still not enough. There's still something wrong. Or at least there's not the excitement I had reading the book.
-- THE WRITING IS T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E ! Oh Melissa Rosenberg I still do not like you. It's so disappointing. There was nothing funny or witty. It's a composition of sentences you've heard before in other films for teenagers and sentences from the book and these two things do not mix well. That's my main complaint.
-- It's really close to the book so I didn't really had this feeling (from Twilight) that you don't know what's happening or what the characters are doing or why they're doing it. It was ok on that part. A good improvement.
-- The use of the music was really boring. I hadn't listen to any of the songs before seeing the film but none of them really stroke me.
-- I have such a crush on Kristen Stewart/Bella Swan. She was simply perfect. I shed a few tears at some point. She has some fascinating expressions on her face sometimes which is rare for such a young actress. I loved her I loved her I loved her.
-- I was a bit disappointed by the break-up scene. It hasn't the strenght that you find in the book. I didn't like how they handled the passing-of-time passage either. But looking at kristen Stewart was enough to convey the mood. Honestly, there was nothing extraordinary to handle the depression mood. They used methodes we have seen again and again but Kristen Stewart makes it work. She's just great.
-- The best line said by Edward was the line from Romeo and Juliet -- or is it just me ? I thought it was good ! Other than that, he's not in the film that much to be honest. I approve of the slight improvements they made on filmEdward, though.
-- The visions of Edward are ok-ish. It's not ridiculous but still not perfect. I wouldn't have add special effects.
-- The opening scene is good !
-- It's not interesting but I really loved seeing Edward and Bella sitting together in class.
-- Charlie !! Still perfection.
-- Not enough Eric/Mike/Jessica/Angela.
-- I still find the Cullens really awkward. The scenes at the Cullens are not good. You just want them to end and I do love the Cullens in the book. You're supposed to want to be part of the family.
-- The werewolves boys were so good. I love the casting they made. And I'm not particulary a fan. The wolves themselves were good too. That's how I imagined them. I didn't think it was ridiculous.
-- About Taylor, I just want to say that I'd like to hug him very much. Also, I thought of you
chicafrancesa00 because there was an incredible amount of shirtless Jacob !!
-- I was really looking forward to the Volturi and was actually a bit disappointed. I can't really say why because I did like what I saw but as I said, I had already seen the best parts in the trailers. The actors were very good and the settings were perfect, exactly how I had imagined the place.
-- Do not scream "bitch" at Kristen Stewart when she kisses Edward. That's a film, don't get carried away. Besides I don't want to hear your voice at all when I'm watching a film.
-- Do not scream "bitch" at Kristen Stewart when she gets too close to Jacob or rejects him either.
I told my Mom and sisters about it and it occured to me that I wished the films were more like the Harry Potter films (HP and the Order of the Phoenix in particular) because they always manage to keep a part of what made the books so fascinating and exciting.
All in all it was good and there shouldn't be any major disappointements for anyone I think.
And I loved Kristen !