Deja Vu All Over Again. Also, Yuck.

Jan 03, 2007 22:30

Man, I still haven't really recovered from the last time I was sick, and all of a sudden tonight I can't stop sneezing and my throat is all hurty again and waaaaahhh.

One of my students at ChaYon Ryu was giving me a hard time about being ill, two weeks ago (I was out of breath and coughing after about fifteen minutes of hard exercise, and said that I needed to take it easy because I was still recovering from my latest cold). He observed that I am quite often sick, in that doubting "I think it is actually that you are a wuss" tone of voice (trust me on this one... This dude and I have something of a history), and I said that it's because I work with children so much. They are disease factories, I swear it. Anyway, he then went on to tell me that that's totally nonsensical, because the illnesses children get are the same illnesses we all had as children and developed immunity to, and can only get once, and that logically I can only really be sick two or maybe three times a year, as new strains of influenza develop.

*cough cough sneeze*

Bullshit, says I.

I mean, come on! I am demonstrably ill with some sort of low-level cold thingy for a day or two out of every month-to-two-months. Usually about three days to a week after being sneezed on by some filthy child (usually Esme. I love Esme, but she does have hygeine issues. It cannot be denied. She'll grow out of it! I hope!). Therefore, I get sick several times per year, probably as the direct result of my constant contact with small children.

I mean, is there another explanation? Allergies (to what)? Hypochondria (hah)? I had bloodwork done not long ago, and I'm not anemic or hypothyroid...ic or anything.

I just get colds a lot.



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