Aug 28, 2005 10:22
Last Friday I moved into my room of village C my dorm for the year. this was pretty sweet cause i missed alll the pain and hastle and aggrevation that everyone else experienced yesterday. But my first stay was not to be long after spending the one night alone in a dorm it was off to my GOPOP trip. It's basically a preorientation program where you get to meet a few other fresman as well as 3 uper classmen while you hike and camp and generally have a good time.
Saturday: We basically drove out to the campsite and set up camp this day. we camped at the base of Seneca rocks. they were pretty bitchin. we then proceeded to look for a swimming hole. we eventually found one after bushwacking our way through brambles and walking across sharp, slippery rocks. Only once we reached it did we discover there was a path to the swimming hole that was a lot easier than the one we took. Oh well that's life. we settled in for the night in 3 person coed tents. Kaching! I was definetly with the hottest girl and another girl who happened to be her roommate.
sunday: today we went rock climbing on seneca rocks. It was pretty badass. I love rock climbing it's a lot of fun. we had to hike up to the top of the mountain and that's where we climbed. It's apparently the tallest point east of the mississippi that can be only reached if you can rock climb. Who knows if that's true? Who cares? Any way the view was just grand. We were camping near a group of 10th grade girls.
(sweet)(j/k) they stalked us and hid in the tall grass and called out to us. they also tp'ed our campsite. we slept under the stars tonight.
Monday: This was pretty much the best day. We went spelunking. Isn't that such a great word. weexplored three different caves. it was awesome. I love climbing all over rocks and exploring. It was really weird it was really warm out but the second you stepped so far into the cave you were plunged into the cold. But on the way out after spending the time in the cold suddenly you were just hit with a wave of heat it was crazy. The last cave was the best. this cave was a virtual labyrinth and full of mud. we made mud sculpture and had mudfights it was great we came out all smeared in mud.
tuesday: we drove to a different campsite today. We hiked from the parking lot into the vast wilderness. We had a great time hiking around and talking. we ate lunch at a place where some one had built stone chairs. It was very nice of them. there were a lot o f blackberries and blue berries. we stopped for a nap in a field of blueberries( also known as Chillin') Berries. we camped on a sandy patch near a river. we had gumbo for dinner, and then made a desert gumbo.
Wednesday: We made blueberry pancakes for breakfast and then made a breakfast gumbo. neadless to say we were all sick of the G word by then and refused to utter it for the rest of the trip. We then split into two groups and hiked back seperately. My group made it to camp first. we slept out side that night. about a hal hour after getting to bed a car tried to pulll into our campsite and nearly ran over those of us sleeping outside.
thursday: We drove back towards DC we stopped at Greatfalls. we hiked the billy goat trail and eventually forded the river( my ucking oxen drowned) and slept at a cabin on an island that gtown is the caretaker of. It was pretty cool We could've slept inside but were so hard core so we slept on the porch. Me and dave this cool kid from NJ who is also an eagle scout made this huge bitching fire with log the size of people. It was hella wicked! It was kinda funny cause the island was a few miles from my house.
friday: the last day. We wwere woken up early and told that clair( one of the counselors) had goen missing. Basically we had to follow clue on the island till we found her. From there we packed up( including our shit)apparently it would harm the enviornemnt to leave it. we then hiked to anglers in. from there we got in our boats and prepared to go down the potomac to gtown. there were the 3 counselors in single person kyaks then 6 of us were in 2 person kyaks and the remaing two me and my hot tent mate jess were in a canoe not a white water canoe a plain ol' aluminum canoe. The day started out fine. Just doing a littel trip down the potomac. unfortunately jess while she claimed to be a good coner was just too weak and clearly was not that good. It sucked we flipped on like every big rapid. Partially to blame was the canoe but the other half was her. I had to power and steer the canoe all from he front. It would've been fine until we go to the little falls area. It kicked our ass! i mean everyone. all the boats exceot the small little kyaks flipped and we lost two of the boat. so we were going to have to portage them until we could get to the canal. which wouldn't have been that bad except there were hundreds of yards of rocks between us and the canal. and even that wouldn't have been so bad but tey wouldn't actually let us portage because they were afraid we'd slip so we had to drag them up and over the rocks. It's like climbing a mountain witha canoe. that kinda sucked. but once we got home it was all forgotten. we had pizza and ice cream.
Over all it was a kick ass trip. the best part by far were the people.
First there's me the Pimpin' surgeon general/ revivalist reverend.
then there was Michigan jess( the hotter one) and my tent mate
then there was quaker jess( still kinda hot but not as much) not actually quaker just went to a quaker school. she's really chill
then there's Kiira yes that's how it's spelled. My other tent mate and the room mate of michigan jess.
then there's Katelyn from the OC who refuses to smile in pictures
then there's rachel from boston. eh she;s nice but i don't particularly care for her.
next there's Sam C the kid from CT went to choate. aka choad. he's kinda cool although i don't really hang out with him anymore.
Next there's Dave Dave's sweet he's frm NJ and was an eagle scout too. He;s a couple floors up from me in my dorm. He's cool
Next there's wyatt from washington He's really chill. I know i'm repetative and that doensn't really mena anything but he's an awesome kid.
Finally there's our counselors Sam B, claire, and Colleen.
Sam is one of the coolest guys i ve ever met. He's british and has a sweet accent. He's just awesoem i can't explain it. unfortunately he's leaivng and going to queens he's not really a student he just runs these out door like things.
Claire is pretty hot. she nice and sweet and threw us a cool party monday night. Think screwdrivers, costumes, and drunken singalongs.
Colleen is nice too she's decently attractive she cleans up well. both her and claire are really kid like. but they're a lot of fun.