
Apr 16, 2005 08:00

Hey, I got here! And I even know what day it is! Ain't that a miracle?

Oddly, the steady disintegration of the house has rocked my sense of time and day. I'm struggling to keep track of when it is. This is seriously weird. I suspect the day thing is fuelled by impatience: I want Tuesday. Now.

Took Vickie to the New House yesterday. She's been my cleaner here, and she's an absolute gem. One of the things I'm serioulsy going to miss about living here. She went through the place like a dose of salts and cleaned it spotless, while I unloaded yet another pile of boxes. We're pretty well ready for the move now.

On the internet front, the electrician has been. Not sure what he's done other than drill a hole in a bit of ceiling and run a cable through. He set up the laptop on the landing window ledge and connected, so I could test the broadband. And that appears to be all he's done. Meanwhile, George has turned the dog-flap the right way around and moved the bolt on the back door. The electrician says he'll be back Monday... or maybe Wednesday. Fine. If I have the broadband in the lounge by Wednesday, I'll be happy. Monday would be even better.

The desktop PC moves tomorrow - the last chance I have for it. So effectively I'll be offline from then till - well, maybe Wednesday. I'll be collecting email, either on my phone or via whatever pc I can get to for webmail.

Today I have a wedding to consecrate. I don't get many of those, so I'm going to make the most of it. That's actually the only thing in the diary. I need to type up the hymns for tomorrow morning (which will take all of about 5 minutes) and buy some bread (hey the food has moved house - I gotta eat something!)

The other task listed is that I want to finish the jumper I'm knitting. I agreed to make some kiddies' jumpers for our project in Gambia while I'm on sabbatical. I've already done one, and am within reach of finishing the second. The church member who's our contact with the woman who runs the project happens to be one of the people coming to doggy-sit Murphy on Tuesday, so it would be handy to be able to give her the jumpers then. And of course, it would mean the knitting basket could move house!

And that's all that's on the cards today. Isn't that good? Hence I have time to be sitting here rambling. While Murphy washes my feet. I call him all the names under the sun sometimes, but he does the best damned foot massage! And the poor little beggar is so stressed and unsettled by weeing all our stuff move house. I actually feel sorry for him!

It feels like a ghost town round here - echoey and weird. Still, only a couple of days left!
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