Oct 07, 2009 22:36
so philly.
first off: the good. I know you all hate him, and you're probably right, but i'm so fucking smitten with this boy its insane. INSANE. but let's be honest, i moved here. Because he was here. So I want to bask in the glow of hand holding and cuddling and having him kiss me on subway platforms while it lasts. which is to say, for the most part, he makes me happy.
also my job still kicks ass. Today we went to harrisburg and i got to landscape at the governor's mansion. thats really cool. I met Ed rendel. I played with his puppies. it was a good day.
the bad: i need to move i need to move i need to move. i cannot stand the fighting the gay couple does. i hate that they never sleep and bang around upstairs keeping me awake ALL THE TIME. I hate that i am literally SO SCARED of creeper roommate that I'm having nightmares about him once a week. i hate that i'm an hour away from work. I hate that my neighbors never shut the hell up and that our street is covered in trash and always smells like pee.
Also, omg, grad school.
Ugh, i don't even want to go anymore. I want to stay in philly and open my amazingly inventive urban farm. But i have no startup cash. Does anyone know where i can find enough money to buy and retrofit a vacant building to produce crops? I'll take donations.