genicon play The Simpsons' Hit and Run on Gamecube is highly amusing. This isn't how I expected to spend my Thursday night, but it's definitely an upgrade. Unfortunately, everyone else had to work. As much as I'm annoyed with my job sometimes, I can't beat 4 day weekends. Though, I could stand to get paid before Monday this go around. I hate taking money out of savings because I rarely ever put it back like I mean to do.
_franke_, I IM'd you, but I'm not sure you were on. But technically, I invited you this time. Even though I'm pretty sure in my book, you're invited anytime.
We went to go see Stay Alive at the theater and holy shit. We were the only two people in a fairly large theater and we were glad of it, because we sat there screeching and wincing through the entire movie. Christ, some of the images were horrible. But lots of fun at least, and it doesn't seem to be staying with me, which is a plus.
Hahaha, Bin turns the controller when she's turning the car. I love it when people do that.
I want cake and ice cream. Which is weird, because I hate cake in general. Yes, I realize that makes me the devil. I did, however, devour half a quarter of a sheet cake that was chocolate and filled with raspberry filling. Mm. But chocolate and raspberry doesn't count.
Playing on Erica's computer makes me think I could deal with a Windows machine if it meant I could have a computer on my lap. ...okay, maybe not. But it's nice!
Oh weekend, how I love thee.