Second viewing, still lots of fun, not as moving as the first, but more entertaining in other ways. Makes sense.
They added two trailers though, and one is Shyamalan's new flick "The Lady in the Water," or some such. It's got the guy (Paul Giamatti) from American Splendor, and Sideways in it. So, through the whole movie I'll be picturing stink lines coming off of him and him scampering down the side of a hill drinking a bottle of wine. He plays loveably pathetic so well, I can only imagine what the character will be like.
Bryce Dallas Howard is apparently "The Lady." The leapfrogging of actors in his films is fortunately still amusing, but I suspect it'll get annoying pretty soon. Not that I don't love that chick.
Cho's accent is now officially the reason I don't loathe her anymore. Anyone with a Scottish accent is tolerable. Case in point, Bin...picture naked!jiggly!roommate talking in a Scottish accent.
Okay, so not everyone. But Cho, certainly.
Emma Watson's acting really does leave something to be desired. Oh, Emma, take it down just one notch and you'll be all right. But, Hermione was supposed to be pretty crazy emotional this year, so I suppose it fits well enough. Maybe Watson will go into soaps later in life.
Also, Cedric is totally hitting on Harry. He could not have made that bath suggestion any pervier had he been Moaning Myrtle. Seriously folks, it is that kind of moaning. And what's up with his head in that boy's lap on the bench outside before Harry tells him about the dragons? Is he really that cool where he can just use people as pillows randomly throughout the day? I half expected them to be feeding him grapes.
Cedric: I'm feeling a little winded...
Random Student: OH! Why don't you have a lie down on me, Ced?
Other: No! Me! I've gained weight to be more comfortable for you.
I have a meeting at 8am tomorrow morning that I'm sure will be forgotten by everyone else supposed to attend. However, if I don't go, everyone will have gone and be annoyed that I didn't show up. This is the way it works.