Feb 15, 2006 13:35
I've a feeling it was a relatively good thing to be single this valentines day considering my new dietary intake of vast amounts of pulses, lentils, raw vegetables and high fibre carbohydrates. It does get rather annoying awaking in the middle of the night, freezing, to find that your mattress has floated across the room like a hot air balloon.
In other non-gaseous related news, I've started back at the gym and have once again bumped into the class ride,K, whilst midst treadmill. It's a good thing I don't wear my visual aids whilst sweating profusely in shaped lycra as I'd probably just spend the entire 20mins staring at his ass and screaming "Work it girlfriend!!!"
Also, I'm currently disgusted at the prospect of actually having to BUY condoms...my stash of freebies accumulated over the years has slowly dwindled to dangerously low levels. The very thought of purchasing them just seems so odd. Free condoms and promiscuous sex for all....hooray.
My little chickens that I demonstrate to every Tues in their pharmacology labs are a complete and utter set of morons, however I've managed to so far restrain from writing something remarkably bitchy when correcting their labs books...although I am tempted.