birthday flowers, 2.
still waters, 3.
stormy skies, 4.
birthday girl, 5.
valley view, 6.
celebration, 7.
natural beauty, 8.
lonely horse, 9.
lovemy flickr acct So I haven't updated in a long long time because I've been fairly sick lately... and not with a cold. I've finally had a bit of energy the last couple of days so I spent some time going through my pictures and resizing them and uploading them to flickr. Check em out... now that I've uploaded some I can burn them to cd and take them off of my computer. They take up so much space. Also, I've worked a bit on my art... made some more ATC's and worked on my journal - one I haven't scanned or anything yet... not sure if I'm going to share that one or not, as it's kind of personal but we'll see.
Stayed home from work today cuz I couldn't keep any food down last night and only got about 2 hours of sleep, so there was no way I was going to work. I don't want to go to work tomorrow, but we'll see how I feel when I get up in the morning. I think my birth control pills are making me sick when I take them at night so I've now started taking them during the day (afternoons) to see if that helps. I feel a little icky right now but I haven't had anything to eat today so that might be why I feel like crap.
I hope to be feeling better and back to myself in a few weeks time. Some stuff is going on in my life right now that is stressing me out and making me sick, but I don't want to elaborate on it here. If you know me, then I've already told you. Anyway, I'm going to go have some cereal to see if I feel better. I'll update again soon - hopefully with something more exciting...