(no subject)

Dec 25, 2003 15:07

Christmas has been interesting this year.

Let's see...number one...I got my fucking laptop. Ain't nothing beat that shit. Yesterday we did the ususal thing at my grandparents house. It's the Irish/German Christmas celebration. Today is the dinner here at my house with my dad's family. It's the southern Christmas dinner. We even have a deep fried turkey (ain't no way better to eat it...) and corn bread stuffin.

Dah...all in all. A good Christmas I would say. I watched Episode IV of Star Wars (be so proud...) yesterday morning since I did receive the triology as a gift. I got Victoria Secret stuff from my sister!!! It came in a cute little purse. ::squeals:: It's called Blissful Moment. Heh. I also now am the proud owner for a ton of gift cards. Thanks to my Ray....lol. I have a total of 280 dollars worth of gift cards....just gift cards. Plus I got money from my Grandparents (we're shopping tomorrow lambs right???) = D

Like I said...I think this was a good Christmas. Though I am ready for it all to be over and for things to go back to normal. And just to get a quiet day. ::nods::

Maybe next week............

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