Jul 08, 2006 18:50
You know what I find odd? I'm not much of an anybody. Now, I'm not saying that I'm worthless, but think about it:
-I have no physical attributes
-I'm not strong academically or athletically
-I'm not one for small talk
-Once girls actually get to know me, they don't find me entertaining at all
-People think I'm gay
-I lack talent for much of anything (save for acting and writing, and that's limited)
Now, I'm not complaining. I like me. But I just think it's funny how many friends I have even though I'm not the most interesting person alive. And then...people say I'm a wallflower, meaning that I like being alone. I think this is normal, yet people think I'm "emo" because I like being alone. I guess friends aren't that important to me. People who have been on vacations this summer have said "I hate this vacation. I wish my friends were here." I would never wanna go on vacation with my family with friends. I consiter vacation a break from my friends, I time to be with family and myself.
So I guess I'm selfish, too? That's cool. ^_^
(Please, people, I don't want you guys commenting back sayiong how wrong my list is, because it's not. Stop trying to make me feel better lol)
(Monday: Potc2 again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)