Mar 20, 2000 22:20


Player,Your Journal: Scarlet, thescarlet
Contact: email: ; AIM: crowned walker ; plurk: theScarlet.
Characters played: none!


Name: Yuu Kanda
Series/ Canon Point: Chapter 188, before waking up in the North American branch.
Reference: Thar she blows!
Age: 18-19 physically
Personality: At first glance, Kanda is an indifferent young man with a strict personality, often bordering rude. He can be labeled as a grump, anti-social, perpetually angry, and sometimes a complete pain in the ass to deal with, often times with questinable mental stability. He does have a humorous side. It's just an odd sort of sarcastic humor, somewhat as a result of his skewed view of the world, and nothing that's really intentionally meant to induce laughter for either side. Kanda is far from the type to joke all the time, but he can generally recognize one.

His attitude towards unfamiliar people is curt and short, but in a polite manner; he doesn't care about them enough to be pleasant, nor does he have any immediate interest to bother them in any way. When he addresses Exorcists, it's usually in the same fashion. Depending on who it is, though, he may be less willing to indulge in extended small talk. Finders receive the most bluntness, as Kanda mostly views them as little more than cannon fodder, hardly thinking of them as very useful on the battlefield.

Though Kanda is generally not one to say much, he is entirely capable of carrying on a conversation, or at least able to speak in a civil manner, such as when he explains the strange occurrences of the Innocence to Allen and when he obtains the release code from a dying Finder. However, he also has the habit of throwing back what is given to him, in terms of attitude and treatment. During the Thief Ghost G arc, he approaches Inspector Galmar calmly at first, but when presented with misplaced irritation, Kanda starts showing a bit of anger himself. Contrary to this, attempts to be overly friendly with him result in irritation as well

In the past, he wasn't as cold and ill-tempered. As a 'child', his only friend that was relatively his age was Alma Karma, and even then Kanda wasn't exactly what you'd call a 'good friend'. He and Alma fought and argued and threw insults, but they ultimately were 'friends' (though Kanda would never admit it), able to understand each others' pain of the testing they were forced to go through. This, added to the truth that he eventually learned about the Project, gave him a rather cynical view on the Order.

During this time, he reacted to most of Alma's friendly gestures with scowls and frowns and irritated glares. All this carries over, in a sense, even to after he has 'grown up'. Any attempts to become his friend or curry favor are generally met with a cold shoulder. Those that persist, however, do manage to gain a small place in Kanda's heart-- or something to that degree. Lenalee, for example, has earned Kanda's grudging respect, and he treats her with more politeness than he does others. People like Komui and Lavi receive Kanda's version of 'tough love'.. without the actual love. He cares, but it's never shown in a way that says it outright. It's through snappish remarks intended hurt as much as help. Frequent death threats are the norm whenever either of them does something stupid, though they're rarely ever fully carried out. Otherwise, as mentioned above, Kanda treats most everyone in the Order with the same blase temperament unless provoked into something else.

At his core, Kanda is aware that Exorcists are viewed by the Church as no more than tools of war, and he will treat them as such. He takes his job as strictly what it is: to destroy Akuma, collect Innocence, and get rid of any other enemies. He tells Allen on their first mission together that "I don't care if you're on the verge of being killed, if I find that you're a nuisance, I'll leave you behind. In war there are always sacrifices, so don't think of us as partners." Comradeship and saving people are not in the contract. Hypocritically, however, he ends up protecting Allen on their first mission from what could've been a fatal attack while he himself was badly injured with the reasoning of hating people who break their promises more than he hates naive people (like Allen).

From the moment he was created in the underground Sixth Asia Research Facility, he was spoonfed (likely biased) information and explanations about the Akuma, Dark Matter, Innocence, Noahs, the purpose of the Exorcists and the Order, the goal of the Earl, things that construct the mindset he bears on his shoulders.

Akuma, Noahs, and the Earl are the enemies. Innocence and the Innocence-compatibles are to be rounded up and collected for the Order to use (he is shown demonstrating his knowledge of Innocence at times, and does not hesitate to suggest removing a 9 years old boy from the orphanage to become an Exorcist). Exorcists are tools of war; destroyers, not saviors. He will carry out the orders given to him, because that's what he is-- an Exorcist, a tool, a weapon. He will not add his own opinion, because he knows it doesn't matter. In fact, he hardly cares about the War or the Order itself. During the flashback chapters, after he finds Marie and starts looking for Alma, Kanda's thoughts are clearly displayed as "I've got to get [Alma] and get out of this place. I don't care about the Order or this war. Anger, grudges, I'll just swallow it all, so long as we're together."

It's to be noted that most of Kanda's acts of indifference and unkindness are actually a front. He wound up saving the life of a Finder he pretended (and claimed) to not care about in the first D.Gray-Reverse novel. The Finder, Goz, even says to Kanda that "If you really were a cold-blooded person, you'd have left me to die. I'm really sorry for saying that about you." Kanda protects Allen on their first mission from what could've been a fatal attack while he himself was badly injured, with the reasoning of hating people who break their promises (Allen, if he died) more than he hates naive people (like Allen in general).

It could be said that the harsher his treatment, the more he actually cares. That, or you're just being particularly annoying (like Lavi, Allen, or.. Komui). Women, however, may be exempt from this clause; there aren't enough females in DGM to really make a solid point. Lenalee he treats neutrally enough both out of respect of her strength as one of the few female Exorcists, and because her brother can get dangerously scary, but he is not shown interacting much beyond a line or two with Miranda, Klaud Nyne, the Head Nurse, or others.

All in all, Kanda is not a flat, constantly annoyed man. His initial approach on things is to be distant and not let anyone close. Being an Exorcist with constant missions that keep him far away from others is rather helpful in this case. Even so, after being in the same field for 9 years and living with other Exorcists in the same tower, it's impossible not to grow attached to them in one way or another. An example of this is with Alma, whom he appeared to harbor a great dislike/disgust for. Kanda simply did not like the way Alma could remain so optimistic and happy in a place as harsh as where they were. Near the end of the flashback chapters, though, it's shown that he does see Alma as a sort of friend (in fact, he is even seen laughing with Alma at one point). After the incident with killing Alma, however, he seems to be even more reluctant than ever to let people get close, albeit in a somewhat calmer manner.

And despite how much he pretends that everything is fine and dandy (in his own gruff, scowl-at-the-world way), there is, more often than not, a lot going on underneath. For example, when Kanda is with Asia Branch Chief Bak while waiting for Zhu, he remarks on how "brilliant" it is that the Order is now turning people into half-Akuma to feed on other Akuma. Bak, knowing Kanda's past and being the son of the two scientists who were at the head of the Second Exorcist Project, tries to apologize on behalf of the Order for having potentially hurt Kanda's feelings by making the Third Exorcists. Though Kanda denies being hurt and even punches Bak for 'misunderstanding', stating that he doesn't care what the Order does, it's still clear by his expression afterward that he's more affected than he claims to be. He doesn't like seeing people being used by the Order this way.

Special Abilities: Kanda's main weapon is his Innocence which in the form of a katana. It can release various attacks, as well as use his life-force for stronger attacks.

  1. Kaichuu: Ichigen releases a swarm of supernatural underworld insects/creatures to devour the opponent.
  2. Nigentou coats his sword with a shining blue/green energy, and that energy can be used to either make another sword on its own, or to coat the scabbard and turn that into a second sword.
    • Hakka Tourou requires Nigentou to be activated. Kanda slashes the enemy eight times in quick succession that collectively resemble a flower.

  3. Shouka: Sangenshiki must be activate at the same time to activate two other attacks. Shouka activates the power of Kanda's tattoo and changes his pupil to three dots (not three commas like Sharingan, just dots), while Sangenshiki increases his speed and strength while decreasing his healing time.
    • Consume is a move that allowed Kanda to temporarily reconstruct Mugen after it was shattered by the Noah Skinn Boric. It falls apart again shortly afterward.
    • Bakuhakuzan makes a slash that seems to create explosions, and is able to effectively damage a Level 4 Akuma.

  4. Fourth Illusion* changes the previously three dots to four (surprise surprise), giving Kanda another increase in speed and power.
  5. Fifth Illusion* changes the glow of Mugen's blade and causes it to emit a sort of electricity. It uses a large amount of kanda's life force and also seems to give him a need for destruction while sealing up the rest of his emotions. At maximum power, Mugen takes on the form of a small butcher blade with small wings at the hilt, similar to how it looked 9 years ago.
    • Ripping Flash Claw* is an attack that unleashes seven sharp energy beams, able to reach the target from a distance.

*abilities that have only been shown post chapter 188, but Kanda probably already knows them.

Even without all these abilities, Kanda is still capable of slicing a steel/iron/metal chandelier into 8 pieces moments before it falls on top of someone. Kanda also has regenerative abilities; it's been stated that his healing has been slowing down (taking three days to heal from a deep gash in his chest), though this seems to be contradicted as the recent chapters have him regrowing a severed arm in mere seconds.

It is believed that the lotus in his room is connected to his life-force by the tattoo/curse mark on his chest, and that his life will end once the lotus wilts (or vice versa-- the lotus will die when he dies). This may also be the cause of his insanely high pain tolerance, seeing as he can take two sharp rods to the chest and still be alive/conscious while yanking them out, and then immediately going back into battle mode.

His blood also seems to be able to heal otherwise fatal injuries, though he found this out accidentally and would probably never share this bit of info voluntarily.

Special Limitations: MUST HAVE SOBA N/A!
Carry-On Items: his Innocence sword (Mugen), the temporary Exorcist uniform he's seen wearing in chapter 187-188, belt pouches possibly filled with rations, earring communicator, a broken hair tie, and a beaded bracelet.
Third Person/Log Sample: flap flap flap

His eyebrow twitches, shoulders tensing as he inhales and exhales deeply in an attempt to meditate. The room is otherwise silent, closed off and devoid of any other company.

flap flap flap

It's one of those intermission days. Forced rest, as he calls it. If Kanda could get his way, he'd have already left for the next assignment. Missions he can handle. There's instructions given to him, a goal he must reach, Akuma to destroy. He can do that.

He can't handle sitting around doing nothing, not when there are missions he could take on. The way he sees it, him being out there is beneficial to everyone. Why lounge around resting when he doesn't need to? All it does is induce unnecessary thoughts and make him things about things like. Like why he's being given a temporary break.

Or why there's never anything to do when he's on break.

flap. flap. flap.

"Yuu! Hey, Yuu, you wanna train for a bi--"

Kanda's hand immediately lashes out to smack down the golem that's been flying around near his head for the past ten minutes, effectively cutting off whatever Lavi had to say. Something about training? Bah.

What kind of vacation is this if he keeps being interrupted?

First Person/Post Sample:

[nighttime. first day on-board this gigantic moving.. vehicle.. thing... is finally over. Kanda's been wound up the entire time, somewhat impatiently tapping his foot on the floor in an effort to rid himself of whatever irritation had built up before he was even thrown onto this. this.

RV. thing.

and now that everything has finally stopped(?), he eyes the large, flat device. laptop, was it?

well. if he's going to be stuck on here with nothing to do, he may as well. figure out. how to use this thing. if only Lavi was here to learn it and teach him, it would be so much easier.]

..Che. [and reluctantly, he begins with the first step.

attempting to open the damn thing.]

!fml_rvs, !informational

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