
Dec 16, 2006 07:22


Dammit dammit dammit.

Today is my orientation for SFSU. Registration for orientation begins at 8:30a. It is now 7.24a. If it takes an hour to get to the school, park, and wind your way to Cesar Chavez Student Center, and I want to be early, what time should I have left my city 30+ miles away?

At 7a.

That was the plan: I wake up at 6.30, print a couple of things, we leave at 7.

I'm still at home.

Ramil asked me to call him when I woke up, so he could get ready to come get me. I called at 630. And at least 8 times since then. But he's not answering the phone! How am I supposed to wake him up if he's not answering the phone?? WAAAAAAAAHHH!!

Now I'm calling him every two minutes or so. He's not signed in to Yahoo! so I can't use those noises to wake him up either!!

I'm buying him an alarm clock.

I could probably call in a HUGE favor from Amber and ask her to go with me, but the 'guest' registration is for Ramil, by name.

Now I know for absolutely truly and really for sure: I need a damned license and a fucking car.

*pause to call Ramil*

Maybe he left his phone in the car? Nooooo, we talked before he went to bed!!


This sucks.

Maybe his phone is silent? WHY!!!!

Fuck, I just got my own hopes up by making a noise in the phone.

I've been calling constantly since that pause up there.

I'm heavily considering calling and waking Amber up, as much as I hate the idea. Though, I kinda have this feeling that at about 8, Ramil will wake up in a panic.

It's weird: I'm annoyed, but more at the fact that I know I won't stay annoyed at him. Probably.

I wish I still had the house number, but it was in my other phone and I haven't bothered getting it again.


I had a feeling that I should have told him to stay there last night, and I'd just meet him in SF.

Stupid phone, tricking me with answering-like noises that are really just tiny patches of static.

I'm nearly to the 'crying-in-frustration' point.

svshsflginu eth93pru8y[y0mq!!!!!!

Okay, now I think I'm actually mad.

I guess this is a return for being late that day I went to visit him? This sucks really hard. I just want to go to the fucking orientation that begins registration in forty-five minutes!!!!

You know what? I'll bet it's not really Ramil's fault. It's cosmic forces saying, "YOU LOSE, LIKE ALWAYS, BITCH!"

problems, ramil, anger, school

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