On an awful awful day I have found two things to laugh at:
The second picture of
this post by Crazy Aunt Purl.
This excerpt by
the newest Dooce post:
"This is how you know Leta likes something, she requests to sleep with it, and when we come to get her in the morning she is usually arranging all the inventory into straight, even rows. With the addition of the two new Dora books, Leta’s Dora library now consists of nine separate tomes, all of which she calls the Dora New Book. And when she asks for the Dora New Book she has a very specific one in mind, and if you offer her the wrong Dora New Book, she will specify, NOT THAT DORA NEW BOOK, which always clears things up.
One afternoon when we put her down for a nap I leaned all nine Dora books up against the wall so that she would have room to sleep, and five minutes later she started screaming I’M OKAY! I’M OKAY! I’M OKAY! She continued chanting this for over 15 minutes until Jon finally went in to check up on her and found that four of the books had tipped over on her back. And she just lay there paralyzed underneath them, motionless, calling out to let us know that she was okay, that worse things have happened and she was trying hard to move on."