My sister is fucking hilarious. Oh my god, I always forget, but she cracks me up.
So, we've been watching the TLC shows on morbid obesity, which make me go "ugh, I don't want to get/be fat!" just like modeling shows do, even though the physique seen is rather opposite. When mom does things for me I'm like "NO! WE DO NOT WANT ME TO GET FAT!"
But Mic loves the shows. Even though they turn her off food; heck, maybe because of it. As she put it, "You learn from watching fat people die!"
And then she was channel-surfing and saw some black football player and started, once again, talking about how much she wants a black man. A black football player, for his body. Or maybe Little Wayne, because he's hot.
"When I first heard his name, I thought it was Little Wang and I thought he was Asian. But that doesn't even make sense, because he's black and black guys have big wangs. But if a guy is half-black, that doesn't mean he has a big wang, remember that, file that at the back of your mind."
I had a shite day at work. My boss yelled at me for things that weren't entirely my fault and I had to stay an hour late and I almost cried. It didn't help that I woke during the night convinced my sister was in trouble, the result of a mix of weird dreams and watching the wrong shows before bed.
The Magnetic Fields - Papa was a RodeoDespite the country things going on to it, I like the song. And actually, Chris, this is where the "Rodeo? Yay!" thing came from.
The Matches - Clumsy HeartThis is the old version of the song, and it's a little raw but I still love it. Actually, to really appreciate it, you need to listen to the
new version as well. I love seeing how their sound has evolved, and what better way than seeing how whole songs changed?