So. My life has once again reached new levels of weird, but it's not something I plan to go into here.
I'm working on reading a book and writing about 5 million fics, as well as working on the wolfshirts ficathon that I've been procrastinating on.
Oh, hi, I have anger issues. I have lots of issues, but right now the anger is high. Which frustrates me, I used to have such good control over that.
Anyhow. Unrelated. THIS IS ALL LINN'S FAULT. But I, um. There's now a bandom sex chicken comm.
stillhitthat *shifty eyes* It amuses us? Check it out, play sex chicken...
Voltaire - all of the Banned on Vulcan EP, plus Cantina from Ooky SpookyYes, it's geeky. All Star Trek songs, except Cantina, which is a Star Wars song. And they're all wonderful. The music itself sounds anything but geeky, it's just the lyrics.
The Magnetic Fields - I Don't Want to get Over YouI had this song stuck in my head all day. This song is the reason I bought vermouth for my nerdly gatherings (turns out it's vile...) and it's just. I like it.
The Matches - December is for CynicsTheir one holiday song at this point, this song makes it because... Well, because Chris likes it.