Skate fast and turn left... So I think it has been just on 10 months since I have started skating. It has been quite the adventure. At first I loved the skating for the fitness but didn't really think I would find myself fitting in. Then I moved up a level, found myself fitting in but wasn't sure if the next level up was for me. Now, I have moved up to a point where I may experience my first mini bout at the end if the month. Nearly a year in the making and I might finally be playing a game. I am excited and nervous all at once. In the few brief scrimmages I have done, I have had the snot pounded out of me and have experienced the adrenaline and thrill of staying alive in the pack that prevents you from sleeping for the rest of the night. This could be the first of many, or the first and last but one thing I know. I will be sticking around regardless. I have discovered a wonderful community of ladies. Their determination, enthusiasm and fun loving attitude is infectious. I also really enjoy the skating. I will be giving away my roller blades very soon. I doubt I will ever use them again now that I have remembered my love of skates.
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