Fifty-second Song || Video/Action for Goldenrod

Jul 20, 2011 19:22

Almooooost... got it... there!

[ not far outside of Goldenrod, there's a Steelix suffering through the bane of its existence.

A bath.

Of course, considering this lovely thirty-foot wonder is weak to water, her trainer has had to improvise, hence why Rise has been scaling the thirty-foot wonder with a bucket of warm soapy water and a sponge and is now settled on top of her head to finish scrubbing. She doesn't seem to be bothered by the height, but pauses to take a breather, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand and giving the 'gear a smile. You won't see it over the network, but nearby, there's a sparkling white Rapidash grazing and keeping one eye on the Steelix - who is definitely making whining noises like a petulant puppy - and Rise. ]

Has anyone figured out an easier way to wash these guys? It's a little hard being this high up, especially when they don't stay still, and I've been at this for hours. You wouldn't believe the stuff you find in these spaces, I think that was Yosuke-senpai's sock in that third one...

Also, Leon-- if you see this? I need some help with something.

[ if you approach girl and Steelix, be warned that Crystal loves people and expresses love by picking you up by the collar. ]

bathtime, sisterly bonds are the best bonds, hello johto, too early for this, oh steelix no, ew mud, goldenrod, a girl and her monsters, oh the pokemanity, i'll support you to death

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