Fifty-first Song || Video/Action for Violet

Jul 01, 2011 16:04

[ it's become second nature for Rise's Furret to hijack the gear, so she's got herself all nice and snugly wrapped around it while the feed starts abruptly in the middle of a conversation between her trainer and Falkner. ]

--ealize that it's a Grass-type. Do you really intend to defeat my high-flying birds with only that?

[ when Rise replies, she sounds perfectly cheerful. Anyone who knows her or is perceptive enough, however, will be able to tell that she's somewhat annoyed. ]

Yeah, I do. And Himiko does too, right?

[ there's a soft, shy "Bell!" from the vicinity of Rise's feet, but it's determined enough. The idol gives her partner a fond look, then props her hands on her hips and Falkner finds himself at the receiving end of a trembling pout. ]

So can't you at least let her try?

[ Falkner looks at the doe-eyed idol. Then at the doe-eyed Bellossom. Then sighs. ]

You challenged and I'll accept. Just remember, I'm not the one who started off at a disadvantage here.

[ and the battle starts. Despite a type-disadvantage, Rise isn't backing down from the start, keeping a sharp eye out for impending moves and calling out warnings in time.

And you know, stuff like "Enemy down! Show 'em what you've got, Himiko!"

Because somehow, this tiny Bellossom is BEATING THE CRAP out of Falkner's Noctowl - courtesy of Poison Powder + Leaf Storm - and startling Falkner with a burst of electricity to take down his Honchkrow. ]

Wha-- how--

You know-- [ conversationally. ] When you've got some time to kill, Natural Gift is one of those attacks it's good to try a bunch of different berries for. She doesn't get bullied by birds anymore.

[ Falkner grits his teeth, reaching for his last Pokéball. ] Impressive, I admit. But it's not over yet! The wind is finally with us!

[ his Pidgeot emerges midflight, flapping powerful wings and shrieking a battle cry. Rise looks it over, expression inscrutable. Then, quietly... ]

Himiko, return.

Calling your Pokémon back? You fought well, but this is my strongest, so I'll commend you for recognizing--

Geez-- [ and Rise interrupts him with a frown, shaking her head. ] Let a girl finish, would you? I'm not calling her back. [ and when Falkner glances at her dubiously and opens his mouth, she holds up a finger. ] By the way, you probably shouldn't look away from her.

[ and it's about the time that Himiko, glowing blue, bodyslams the Pidgeot out of the sky.

Absolute silence. Falkner is kind of staring.

Rise, on the other hand, is beaming and running forward to scoop up her Bellossom and give her a congratulatory twirl. ]

Yes, we won! Congrats, Himiko!! How's that for dealing with disadvantages?

[ nope, she's not gonna mention to Falkner that her Bellossom is level 78. But Return is a very handy move, isn't it? ]

[ when the feed starts up again, Rise's exiting the Gym, still a little subdued from not sleeping all that well lately, but in good spirits. ]

That's another badge down! Cianwood's gonna be tougher, though. I'll be here in Violet for awhile, but at least I don't have that hanging over my head anymore. Naoto, Kanji, you two better catch up!

... Oh, and Yosuke-senpai? [ she grins, holding up a photograph. If you squint, it looks like... two guys sleeping against each other, but then she's tucking it away. ] You won't remember it, but that picture of you and Senpai turned out adorable. Want a copy?

what is this team, who's laughing now, gym badge get-- wait, never piss off pigtails, not a fighter, himiko is adorable, dance my pretty dance, a girl and her monsters, valuable lessons in johto, pigtail power, oh the pokemanity, i'll support you to death, violet, personaaaaaaaa, not a sweet scent repeat

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