A New Beginning

Jan 13, 2005 18:51

For a true writer each book should be a new beginning where (s)he tries again for something that is beyond attainment. (S)He should always try for something that has never been done or that others have tried and failed. Then sometimes, with great luck, (s)he will succeed.
Ernest Hemingway (1899 - 1961), in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech

Every thing in life has consequences. Most people only see the bad in the reflections of what they do, but some have great luck, and turn these obstacles into stepping stone (as my grandmother would say) It's still amazing, however, to have someone show you that life isn't always about the drama. Life isn't about what he said and she said, and it isn't about how others make us feel. It's about what you said to that person that bumped into you today, and how you let yourself feel when they didn't apologize. (metaphorically speaking of course) Someone made me see this today. On yet another expedition to my grandmother's house, she said that if you don't own up for your own actions, and let other's take the blame, you're not going to get anywhere, and you most certainly won't be able to die saying that you were the best person you could be. "Don't hold anything back, Stacey," she said. "What if tomorrow doesn't come?"

So here I sit, contemplating the last couple months. So much has happened that I had excepted as "out of my control." Now, I see that it was just above my grasp, and I never reached for it. Is that honestly want to be the person that settles for second best when the one thing I want is standing right in front of me? The answer is, no. But to do this, I had to tie up loose ends, and also cut some strings. This is the last one.

VOILA! A new LJ... no more sad and depressing tryin2holdon. I can't look at all the tear-stained entries anymore. Course, it has too much sentimental value to delete, but this one will be better. I hope...

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