On Saturday afternoon, 7 friends gathered together for the first time in years. In ages past, a meet-up like this happened annually and was called a JAMBAQ (JAM-bake), or Jeff Annual Macy Barb A Que. But it had been awhile, and there was to be no Barb A Queing, so this time it was billed as a JOMPE (JAHM-pee), or Jeff Occasional Macy Pizza Extravaganza.
Who was in attendance? I will show and tell you.
(Left to Right (natch):
emwahk, Cap'n,
ozy_y2k (photoshopped in from 2009 Cinco De Mayo photo*)
A fun and relaxing time was had by all. Even
Delicious Cottage Inn pizza was devoured. Also eaten:
rena_titanon bean dip and guac, pesto pasta salad, carrot sticks. Beverages consumed included (but were not limited to) Coke in mini-bottles, beers, waters.
Topics discussed included: The difference between chimp and chinp,
atothek's derby girl name, the giant metal barcode-faced babies of Prague.
It was a great, great event. We'll definitely do it again in the occasional future.
*Not really.