Yet 1 more reason for me to vote for Dennis Kucinich in the MI Primary

Jan 11, 2008 15:10

He's calling for a recount in the New Hampshire Primary.

He's sly, that one. Clearly, a recount would have absolutely no impact on his candidacy. However, it may very well help Obama. Kucinich cited online reports about disparities in New Hampshire between hand-counted ballots, which favored Obama, and machine-counted ones that favored Hillary. Can you say Diebold?

If you haven't read up on Kucinich, I highly recommend you do so. His platform for 2008 includes:

1. Creating a single-payer system of universal health care that provides full coverage for all Americans by passage of the United States National Health Insurance Act.
2. The immediate, phased withdrawal of all U.S. forces from Iraq; replacing them with an international security force.
3. Guaranteed quality education for all; including free pre-kindergarten and college for all who want it.
4. Immediate withdrawal from the World Trade Organization (WTO) and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
5. Repealing the USA PATRIOT Act.
6. Fostering a world of international cooperation.
7. Abolishing the death penalty.
8. Environmental renewal and clean energy.
9. Preventing the privatization of social security.
10. Providing full social security benefits at age 65.
11. Creating a cabinet-level "Department of Peace"
12. Ratifying the ABM Treaty and the Kyoto Protocol.
13. Introducing reforms to bring about instant-runoff voting.
14. Protecting a woman's right to choose while decreasing the number of abortions performed in the U.S.
15. Ending the War on Drugs.
16. Legalizing same-sex marriage.
17. Creating a balance between workers and corporations.
18. Ending the H-1B and L-1 visa Programs
19. Restoring rural communities and family farms.
20. Strengthening gun control.

Yes, I know he won't win. But by voting for him, it is my hope that other politicians will take note of the amount of support he's receiving and maybe, just maybe, co-opt some of his ideas.

ETA: As an added bonus, his wife is friggin' HOT! There. Happy, incyr?
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