Mi's entry reminded me about midterms... I suppose I ought to work out more on homeschooling. I really don't intend to go back to school. ESPECIALLY with the problems I have been having. What is WRONG with my body?!
Today is my birthday. I hate my birthday. I recieved something interesting in the mail today... Maybe I will write about it later. Right now...I need a drink.
One month and one day from today....Black Day. Did you know that's actually a holiday? Well...it is a different sort of Black Day for me.
Hearts burn Love churns Willing actors take stage And blissfully together we age The eternal dance of stars Tomorrows are unclear But I'll hold you, dear And the world is ours
I love you. Thank you for tonight. Talking to you is one of my favorite things in the world, next to reading, writing and breathing.