Just a couple of updates
Now have an iPhone 4 White, before my loyal Android brethren stone me for downgrading to inferior firmware, I would like to make a disclaimer that I am merely moving to the lowest common denominator. That said, recovered the rest of the usual SSH capabilities by subsequently jailbreaking the crap out of my phone. Now it functions (almost) like an Android, sans the actual freesource firmware that comes with it. Have to work within frameworks that other devs have hacked out so not really the best thing.
Finally done with said book, lazy to start on Murakami, I think I will be absolutely illiterate by the time sem begins. Not to mention with a blank portfolio as compared to everyone else who seems to have an internship or ten. Makes me look like I go to school for nothing :( Trying to salvage whatever's left of these hols, looks like they're really depleting very fast. Want to go overseas!!!! Thanks
coeurdeninja, Hongkong you settle ah.
Lion King going to stop showing soon :'( I want to catch it because (almost) everyone has had wonderful reviews of it. Epic sad that another Broadway will go unwatched again.
Been listening to a lot of new stuff, rediscovered Laura Marling and Kate Nash, also realised I need to get my hands on a Bon Iver album or two. Very Happy with the music I've been stumbling upon so that is at least an achievement.
Have not been turning up for float as much as I intended to, but if I wake up at 1-2pm everyday clearly there is not much point dragging myself up to do work when I'm still drowsy right?! Went to Binhong's house for dinner last night with rest of the OG, managed to get Jeffrey (o esteemed judge) and Michelle (and usual) drunk so there was quite a show to behold, I am pretty sure the photos on Facebook speak for themselves. Les came over for the night and brought supper to my tipsy self, v saintly girl :')
Currently wondering wtf to go for dinner w. Bryan so I can reach back to gym and then meet
youpinkypromise when she knocks off.
Wish I had a timetravelling machine. I promise to only use it for good.