Jun 14, 2011 19:14
Finally found the time to update, been really busy recently with lawcamp and other things. Been reading Gaiman and Sarrantonio's compilation lately, but haven't really found the time to finish it. I should soon, so I can get started on Norwegian Wood, which is absolutely overdue for the longest time ever. Always find myself with overambitious book goals over the holidays which I almost never complete. Must have more discipline in this aspect. Lawcamp was a ton of fun, but really tiring. Best parts include: Drinking sessions on the rooftop with Chuan Witz Sulyn and Yiks (who got so drunk everytime hahahaha), being the judge for fingerpainting station and watching the SP finale unfold without too much disaster. Would do it all over again even if it meant losing sleep and scurrying around the school/hall most of the time. Had a (mostly) great team and it sounded like people were quite satisfied with the way SP was done this year. No regrets (:
OGlings are the shiznit, watched Super 8 with them yesterday (everyone please take note to watch it with a very open mind and by open mind I mean you must be able to appreciate movies that well, frankly even critics would find it hard to appreciate) before heading over to glasshouse for dins and then watching Haziq and Ashvin perform at Prince of Wales. Good stuff, most of them are qutie chill, good stuff.
Met Des for lunch today, she came late :(((( and I did not have my Confit
Float's going to be tough this year, they are really ambitious! But this time I promise to actually do proper work (unlike last year hahaha). New resolution okay, time to stop being useless and STEP UP. Hopefully we'll manage with manpower, looks like the finished product is going to be quite epic. All that deja vu sticking/cutting cans, almost as if we were just freshies yesterday ^^
Poker night at my place on Thursday, excites! Haven't seen Feitard in a while, since she disassociates herself from all law activities being the cow she is. Hanyi too! Haven't seen them in forever, should def meet up soon. Sigh so many people to catch up with so little time and $$$$ :( Should really get a job but working is for peasants... I hope everyone isn't secretly doing internships behind my back, because I have none yet, must start to grab them next year also.
Need to club plsss jio meeeee thxxxx