Dec 31, 2010 16:33
There are so very many celebrations and holidays going on in such a short period of time, yet they are all but one day long. It is a strange contrast to festivals that would last a week or more at home, though, that was long ago and my childish view of them is not a proper medium through which to reflect.
It is stranger still that, though, there should be so many of these holidays when the weather is so inclement. What is there to celebrate when we all seem to be so miserable?
[Filter: Helenus]
I apologize for such a belated acknowledgment, I have not moved much from the refuge of my bed these last days, but I thank you for the shopping trip we made on Monday and the clothing. I am much warmer for it.
I will make it up to you however I can, I promise. No protestations will be heard to this, Helenus.