Name: Kris.
Age: Nineteen.
Describe your personality: Initially, people seem to be put off by me and I've been told that frequently. I don't smile often, especially in the presence of strangers, and I don't make much of an effort to be "friendly". With most people, I'm polite and formal but I avoid small-talk. I call myself a cynic with a sense of honor. It takes a great deal to earn my trust and I don't like or trust people in general, but honor is important to me. While I don't have a cookie-cutter viewpoint on what honor and justice are and my ideals have been called harsh in some cases, I call it being fair and still believe in them passionately. I also take friendship seriously; I am really very protective of and loyal to my loved ones. Once you've earned my trust, you have a friend for life. Despite being very self-critical and perfectionistic, I am self-confident. I believe in my skills, that what doesn't kill me makes me stronger, and that inevitably, if I keep trying I will eventually end up somewhere. An observer, values solitude, detached, private... does not talk about feelings, hard to impress, analytical, likes esoteric things... I also happen to think I have an awesome sense of humor. It's dry and snarky and horridly corny sometimes, but it's mine, and I like it.
Positive adjectives to describe you: Confident, driven, guarded, collected, open-minded, logical, honest, protective, extremely loyal, resourceful.
Negative adjectives to describe you: Sarcastic, critical, detached, untrusting, headstrong, insensitive, blunt, perfectionist, incredibly cynical.
Hobbies/Talents: Jazz, hiking, writing, stargazing, video games, movies, music, psychology.
Likes: Same as likes.
Dislikes: Closemindedness, being pestered when working (but I don't know anyone who does like it), having my personal space invaded, cliques, rabid fangirling.
What are you afraid of?: None of your business.
And what makes you happy?: ...That's a good question. Having purpose and accomplishing a goal or project, I suppose. On a less serious note, I am a gamer like whoa. Video games make me happy. And by video games, I mean ones that have a real plot with real depth and real characters. I'm not a fan of this SLAUGHTER EVERYTHING fad that's been all the rage these days.
Favourite quote(s) and/or lyric(s): Right now?
Alex's Theme from Silent Hill: Homecoming.
Think of a book or a movie you identify with or that you feel describes you somehow. Feel free to go into detail: I can't help but say Collateral. It's all about choices and layers and looking past what you see on the surface of a human being.
What color or colors would you use to describe your personality to others?: Probably gray. It's symbolic of being very calm yet moody. It's neutral, formal, detached... it's a strong color but without the eye-popping quality that black or white can sometimes give.
What qualities do you admire in other people?: Loyalty and determination. Unfortunately, loyalty seems to be a trait people take lightly these days and I find it hard to respect someone if they can't be faithful to something, whether it's a project or a person. Determination kind of speaks for itself. Laziness is just a poor excuse to sneak out the easy door.
Movies: Collateral, Taken, Con-Air, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, Face/Off, Mission: Impossible, Wild Hogs.
Books: Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, King Lear by Shakespear, Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Music: Nobuo Uematsu, Akira Yamaoka, Miles Davis, Breaking Benjamin, Michiru Yamane.
Colors: Brown (esp. khaki and tan), white, black, gray, blue.
Places: Outside when it's raining. Or by a window. I like to sky-gaze a lot.
EITHER/OR; (Feel free to explain!)
Leader or Follower: A loner with the capacity to lead. I like leading and I find it to be rewarding, but I just don't... really care for people in general and I pretty well keep to myself.
Optimist or Pessimist: Hm. Both. Too much of either thing really gets on my nerves, but I try to look forward and hope for the best while always expecting the worst possible outcome.
Idealist or Realist: More of a realist. I have visions for how I think the world should be and I dream, but more than anything, I keep myself grounded and thinking about what I need to do now, not then.
Mature or Immature: Mature. ...I guess. I think everyone has plenty of growing up left to do, no matter how grown-up and mature they try to tell themselves they are. In terms of the goofing around sort of maturity, I have my moments, but I'm usually pretty serious around most people.
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious. There's nothing wrong with following your gut and I happen to trust my instincts very much, but I don't trust easy. It's very rare for me to jump into things without looking first.
Brave or Safe: I'd like to think I'm brave.
Extroverted or Introverted: Introverted. It doesn't mean I'm shy or any of that nonsense. I have no problem speaking up and approaching others at all-- but social scenes and being buddies with everyone you meet just isn't my thing. I like to keep to myself is all.
Traditional or Eccentric: Very eccentric.
Favorite character and why? (this will not automatically mean you’re stamped as this person): Honestly? ...Honestly, I love Mr. Blue. So he only has... four lines? Five, maybe? It only took those few lines for me to decide he was a badass. One of those strong but silent types that have a mouth on 'em once they gets to snarking. Then again, I do tend to like the characters no one bothers to give a second look at.
Least favourite character and why?: I never hated any of the characters. They're all cool.
Favorite scene(s)?: That finale where they all ended up shooting eachother was pretty intense. As a fellow geek (albeit, with video games instead of comics), I also got a kick out of seeing Orange's room and his comic book references.
Favorite quote(s)? : "Yeah, that's easy for you to say, you're Mr. White. You have a cool-sounding name. Alright look, if it's no big deal to be Mr. Pink, you wanna trade?"
Anyone you don’t want to be stamped as? (no more than two please!): Nah.
Anything else you'd like to add?: Thanks for voting. And good luck. I have no clue how this is going to end up. :|a
Or check this if you're an amazing person and have voted on everyone needing votes [X]! /is amazing...even though there weren't that many people to vote for.