Stamped as Mr. Pink // Matchmaker Theme

Nov 02, 2010 18:47

Name: Tyler
Previously stamped as: Mr. Pink

About You;
Positive qualities: Weird, insane, imaginative, geeky, curious without being nosy, intuitive, smart, sweet, private, observing, comfortable/confident with self, able to have fun alone, obsessive/passionate about interests, knows what they don't want, stubborn, able to say 'no'.
Negative qualities: Paranoid, bitter, snarky, loner by choice, neurotic, smartass, procrastinator, forgetful, focuses on fantasy more than reality, easily annoyed, easily distracted, short-tempered, materialistic, filthy-minded, foul-mouthed, impatient, picky, homicidal, harsh, easily bored, prone to depression, self-destructive.
Describe your personality in a nutshell: Analytical Thinker, INFJ, a terrible geek what comes to movies and just plain weird. I have the habit of being a bit of a smartass at times, and I'm one of those people who imagine they possess some sort of artistic talent. My friends have said I have got just the perfect personality to trap my interest for long periods of time, I don't like to tell people everything, I'm addictive and totally someone who walks her own way, totally awesome, real but also kind of reserved and sweet, but totally badass, and this one also made the rest of the year for me: You have a mind of your own, you're not some sheep who cares too much about what other people think of her. Not to mention champagnexdream's comment: You remind me of Steve Buscemi in general.
That's one big nutshell.

This or That - Your Match;
Brave or Safe: Brave, but not stupid or reckless.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Either as long as he doesn't sway too much either way.
Realistic or Idealistic: More realistic.
Introverted or Extroverted: More extroverted than I am.
Stoic or Emotional: Either, as long as he's thick-skinned.
Trusting or Cynical: Trusting but not naive or stupid.
Cheerful or Melancholy: Check the optimistic/pessimistic question.
Brains or Brawn: Both, but more brains.
Impulsive or Cautious: Impulsive but controlled.
Modest or Vain: Both
Uptight or Laidback: A bit more laidback.
Shy or Outgoing: More outgoing than I am.
Funny or Serious: As long as he's able to be serious I don't mind which way he portrays himself as.

Your Match;
Describe your ideal match's personality: General words: quirky, generally insane, passionate, accepting, honest, trustworthy, confident, personal, smart, weird sense of humor, smartass, strongly opinionated, slightly mischievous, rebellious, adorable, rough around the edges.
Then a few more detailed answers.
Realist. I'm an idealist myself, a pessimistic one, but idealist nonetheless. So I basically need someone who's a realist - my mind wanders around a lot and I get great ideas, but I need someone who occasionally pulls me back to Earth and makes sure I actually act on the said ideas instead of just thinking about them.
Protective/caring. Okay, I don't want some creepy stalker type who watches me when I sleep and doesn't let me do anything myself and beats up every single person who looks at me in the wrong way, but a healthy amount of protectiveness in a guy is so damn attractive. You know, someone who comes over and asks if you need anything when you're sick and such.
Wordy. I am not talkative myself at all and I can't stand people who don't know how to shut up but I like people who are good with words and know how to tell a story, and I find it so endearing when someone goes into a long, passionate rant about something that's near and dear to them, even if I didn't understand a single word they're saying.
Proud/confident. Overall I don't like people who brag and I absolutely cannot stand it when someone considers himself better than everyone else, but I need a guy who's confident with himself, trusts his abilities and knows how to take credit for his work.
Honest. I absolutely cannot stand it when people lie to me, even though it would be about something little and meaningless. Give me the truth or keep your mouth shut. So if I have to choose between someone who's blunt and might hurt my feelings or tells little white lies in order to please me, I want the bluntness.
Has a mind of his own. I can't stand people who do things in order to fit in or in order to stand out. I want someone who has his own mind, his own personality and isn't afraid to show it, come what may.
Has respect for my need of personal space. I can be around people if I have to but in the end I'm a loner by default and I need my privacy. Even when I'm spending a night over at a friend's place I truly care about I want to stab them with a spatula at least once, so a guy who needs my constant attention and company wouldn't be a good match for me.
And most importantly, quirky. I am far from normal myself and I have difficulties with people who are normal and are content with being normal. I need someone who has at least a bit of quirkiness in him so he can understand my train of thought. I am very often attracted to guys who are generally insane.
What are some things that would be an instant turn-off? (both physical and emotional): Personality-wise: Perfect, superficial, bossy, arrogant, clingy, overly competitive, disrespectful, discriminating, abusing, too much of a perfectionist, hypocrite, insecure, whiny, weak-willed, too serious, unable to be serious, whimpy, nosy, has no respect for other people's privacy, homophobic.
Physically: Too muscular, too tanned, very overweight.
Describe your ideal match physically: Overall looks don't matter much to me, however I am not one of those people who say they don't care at all - I don't know about everyone else but personally I see nothing bad about admitting there has to be something in the other person's looks that capture my attention. The only thing that truly matters is the his nose - I have a nose fetish so the guy must have a good nose. Other than that I'm alsofond of pale skin, green eyes, red/dirty blonde/extremely dark brown hair that's between short and longish [like between an inch and three inches], freckles, sharp corner teeth, a wicked smile grin. Height kinda matters too - I tend to prefer guys who are either around my height/shorter than I am or visibly taller than everyone else. I absolutely adore scrawny guys but there are a couple of exeptions.
Describe your ideal relationship: Folie à deux? I want my relationship to be the kind where we'd always be friends first, then lovers - friends don't have to do every damn single thing together, they don't agree with each other all the time, they have their own, separate lives instead of letting another person define who their are and they can make plans with other people they know instead of asking the other person if it's okay or if they want to come along. Also, trust, honesty and loyalty are must-have for me in a relationship too. I'm very paranoid and I don't just give my trust to others and if you earn my trust and betray it in any kind of way you're not getting a second chance. So I need a relationship where I know I can trust the guy no matter what.
What are some weaknesses you COULD tolerate?: Well, obviously all my negative traits [or at least I would try to tolerate them] and here, have a huge block of test I had in one of my other previous matchmaker apps.
I have to say I am well aware of the fact all these things make my match look like a total nutcase and I do know due the fact I tend to be a bit of a one myself I'd probably need a match that's more stable so we could even each other out, but besides these I really can't think of weaknesses I know I could deal with. So here we go: Insanity, though personally I don't count it much as a weakness 'cause in my world insanity's normal. I know for a fact I could deal with a guy who's mentally unstable, as long as he's not abusive physically or verbally. Hrm. Moody, obsessive, paranoid/delusional. Those are traits that are pretty big parts of my personality so I'd be one hell of a hypocrite if I couldn't deal with someone else who had the same flaws. Though, when I think about a relationship between two people who are paranoid and/or delusional and/or obsessive the first thing that pops into my head is Bug.. but then again, despite all the f__ked-upness that went on in their relationship they seemed pretty damn happy in the end.
What is the most important aspect of a relationship to you?: Friendship. I really don't see myself being all cuddley and lovey-dovey on public places like most couples seem to act and I most definitely do not want to end up as one of those people who have to do every single thing and spend every second of their free time with their loved one. That's why I want my relationship to be the kind where we'd always be friends first, then lovers - friends don't have to do every damn single thing together, they don't agree with each other all the time, they have their own, separate lives instead of letting another person define who their are and they can make plans with other people they know instead of asking the other person if it's okay or if they want to come along.
Trust/Loyalty. I'm very paranoid and I don't just give my trust to others and if you earn my trust and betray it in any kind of way you're not getting a second chance. So I need a relationship where I know I can trust the guy no matter what.
Ideal first date?: Something very typical and casual. If it's me who gets to decide what we'll do I'd probably end up taking the guy to somewhere I knew he'd liked to go, even if it wouldn't be my first choice. I'd do that because if it was he who'd get to decide where we're going I'd hope he'd choose a place he knew I liked. After that we'd go get some good food, not in one of those fancy restaurants, but a more casual place, and we'd just have conversations about topics that interest the both of us.
Who do you think would be an awful match for you and why?: Holdaway, he's just too loud and he strikes me as someone who thinks "my way is the only right way".

Are you comfortable receiving a double stamp, (just in case)?: Yeah, I wouldn't mind a double-stamp at all.
Are you comfortable with self-cest? (i.e being matched with yourself)?: If you really think Mr. Pink's the best match for me I don't see a reason why not.
Anything else?; Explanations = love.

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