Jun 01, 2004 15:51
it's something unpredictabe...but in the end is right...i hope you had the time of your life...
well it is that unfortuante time of the year where i have to say goodbye to the senior class. yet i don't say goodbye but adieu. i hate goodbyes...goodbyes mean that someone will never return, and these are the people i want to see again. i've been thinking all day today that it's still autumn. when the crisp air siwlred through the lungs of the new forshied walking to the other building, and the roar of the new seniors had finally calmed to a tolerable hum. seems like only yesterday when the officers sat around a table looking at murray and hepburn who still gave blank stares when we questioned about the fall musical. ah, then of course the experience of drama itself. the laughter, the tears, the WORK, the plain good times. how will i continue without my darling jenn taking care of me from stage left. how will i go on stage next year without her hug after the circle. i'll miss you my jennifer (more to come to you later). how will i be bale to dance on an injured ankle without my matty-my personal EMT? how will i laugh when all i feel like is crying...where will my twin soul be? i'll miss you my matty (diddo). how will i get ready for the winterball? sing my ripe strwberries line? laugh at john for all his classic moments? i'll miss you my jade (see above). who will tell me to go shut up and die? who will be my son? who will be my flaming squanto? i'll miss you my john (see previous note). i could continue this list but yet again i don't want to. and i shouldn;t have to. you know i love you all, and that there are certain moments embedded within my memory forever. everyone has changed my life and touched my life, and every year i'm on highschool it gets harder to say good bye, and well this year...is the hardest. most of my sneiors have become my best-friends, the people i can run to day or night when i have a problem. the people that would defend me in any jam. these people accept me for who i am and love me for the person i have become. i love you guys wirh all the strength that is in my soul. i don't want to let go...but you all need to be set free. but know that there will be a place in my heart for each one of you. i am so proud of the many accomplishments u have completed over these last four years, and i feel privileged to have been ble to have spent the last three years spending time with you. thank-you for the memories. thank-you for the laughs. thank-you for making me who i am. i'm not sure if i'm ready to be a senior, yet. but i know because i knew you...i have been changed for good. thank-you and good luck to the SAINTS class of 2004...you will forever and always be in my heart.
We were singing bye bye Miss American Pie.Drove my chevy to the levee.But the levee was dry.Them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye.Singin' this'll be the day that I die This'll be the day that I die.