The Doctor and Donna, the Doctor and Donna... I AM SO FUCKING PLEASED WITH THE DOCTOR AND DONNA. And this post? Rather like the saying "nothing but net," this post is "nothing but squee." In other words: an episode reaction and personal psychobabble.
Here are some things that I loved in numbered list format:
- That both the Doctor and Donna chose to describe themselves as "Health and Safety."
- Donna: Girl Detective. How very Sarah Jane of her. Better than sitting about, I reckon.
- When the security guard checks out Donna's ass, because while I hate to see women objectified as much as the next person, I refuse to see Donna as "Not Hot," because she's over 30.
- "No, I've known Cat People and you're nothing like them." BRING BACK THE CAT PEOPLE. I LUFF THEM.
- Can I just say that I wish my fat were that cute? Like, really.
- I love Donna's gramps. He is a great guy and the sort of family member I've always wanted. I hope he gets a spin in the TARDIS and not just a far off look-see.
- Donna's lovely freckled hand.
- Her fucking fuel efficient awesome little car was BRIGHT BLUE and probably BIGGER ON THE INSIDE. Teh parallels: they are killing me.
- Does anyone else think that the Doctor totally cops a feel when he pulls Donna in the window? His facial expression, the way she readjusts her suit, and his kind of, "LOOK WHAT I CAN DO" smile thereafter is just so... sketch. But like, totally hilarious. I love that moment. Even if he didn't cop a feel, which he probably didn't. But to quote the marvelous Hermione Granger, "Don't you think you have a bit of a saving people complex?" IE: I totally think the Doctor was like, "SHWING!"
- Loved that Martha got her dues in this episode. Loved to hear th Doctor actually admit that people fall for him. Slut.
- Donna basically drags him back to the TARDIS, "So then, TARDIS!"
THEN! THEN! Then there is the probably the most UST filled moment I have ever see on Doctor Who besides "The Doctor Dances" with Rose and Nine and Martha's incredibly weepy-woe-woe in "Human Nature" and "Family of Blood." Forgive me, but I thought that this interaction between Donna and the Doctor was UST awesomesauce. Let's break it down: She rambles, he's awkward, "You don't want me.. [to travel with you]?" He explains. Next there's Donna's immediate refusal of attraction and downright denial that the Doctor is even the slightest bit attractive, followed by the Doctor's willingness to accept this as truth and his excitement thereafter....
I hate to say it kids, but this sets off my UST alarms in a way that most things don't. This is Mulder/Scully caliber in terms of Het, and If they were both male characters, the slash would be pouring out of doorways and windows by now. ALSO, I ALMOST FORGOT: there's the beautiful way the Doctor's face falls at their awkwardly aborted hug, and it's just so, so perfect. Then he starts picking up her stuff, fabulously whipped already, and grinning like the lonely madman that he is.
Oh Donna, I don't think you're going to disappoint. I think you and the Doctor are going to be brilliant.