Jul 26, 2013 16:07
What a day I've had today.
Woke up this morning and decided to call the doctor and finally get my palpitating heart checked out. Got an appointment almost instantly. The nurse said it might be anxiety attacks, but the doc would check it out.
Well, everyone at the doctor's were extremely kind and took real good care of me, knowing I am not very fond of doctors. Then the doctor came and we had a long talk, before I had to take my top off and sit down on the narrow cot, so he could listen to my heart and lungs. Nothing wrong there, he said. Then he made me lie down and he felt my stomach. Nothing wrong. He kept saying I was too skinny (that's a first!). Then he got a nurse so I could have an ECG done and my blood pressure checked. Nothing wrong there either. The last thing I had to do, was have some blood drawn. The doctor said he'd put a rush on it and call me tomorrow.
Before I went home, I went to visit my mom in the temporary nursing home. I feel so sorry for her, because it is such a boring place! When I arrived, one of my older sisters were there with her daughter. We don't get along, but I went straight for mom. How happy she was to see me! She kept hugging me. My sister with daughter eventually left, so my mom and I could speak alone. She couldn't stop hugging me and told me how she misses me and that she was so afraid they wouldn't let her come home again. Sad thing is, that the doc I visited, is also mom's doc, and he said that my mom probably won't be let home again. Poor mom, since that's all she talks about.
When I finally came home, it didn't take more than an hour and then the doc called me, saying he knew the reason my heart is beating so fast all the time: my blood levels were so low, even the lady who drew the blood from me this morning, was shocked! I was given a few options, but we decided on me getting a high dose of iron pills every day for 3 months. I will have to have new blood tests done in 2 weeks to see if it works. He also told me I HAVE to eat 3 meals a day; vegetables and meat and things I like. I am not allowed to lose any more weight. Fingers crossed the pills work!
I was biking all over the place today and boy, was it hot! A light breeze as I went to the doctor's office, but then, nothing. Ugh. Luckily, when I went to get my bike after visiting with my mom, the wind had picked up a bit. But still pretty hot as I had millions (or so it felt, lol!) hills to climb, biking home.
So, that was my day in a nutshell. Not that the day is over yet, since it's only 4.07 pm, but I am beat. :)