My subject line? An actual sign I've spent the morning making for the lab. I'm keeping that bad boy up until one of my bosses insists otherwise.
Heh. Which means it may be here until the day I leave, and you'd better believe I'm gonna keep up with the count.
Also? I am officially coming out as a SUPERNATURAL fan. My icon was made as a Welcome to the Winchester LoveFest as a gift from
marinarusalka, who is weathering constant squee-by-squee notes and IMs from me during each and every ep as I race to catch up on the entire series before the new one tomorrow.
What does this mean for my dear LJ friends? Heh. Entries that will now include folklore and history neep in addition to the regular science and archaeology updates. Stuff on burial rituals, explanations of the technology, science, and chemistry used in SPN, and even squicky dead people stuff bits, too.
The party is totally about to get started around here.
And after HoS? Creepy SPN fic that gets to be darker and more twisted than any of the Buffyfic I ever wrote. Hot diggity damn.
marinarusalka, (who is both Evil and Educational, which makes her scarier than Snape and just like Fake!Moody who even shares her tendency to take nips from a hipflask), I'm so excited to be in a fandom with you again! Yaaaaaaaaaay! And thank you for the icon and the recs and just letting my SQUEEEEEEEE! over and over at you. Yaaaaaaaaaay! This show is the perfect balance to the ultra-science and austere reality of the Houseverse. My brain is almost balanced now!
OMG. EVIL SINKS! AAAAAHHH! I will never be okay again!
Next up on Shows I Promised to Watch: The SGA and SG-1 sample eps I snagged with the SPN sample.