
Oct 31, 2007 12:19

Howdee gang.

I am currently sitting in the Engineering Library trying to install Solid Works on My Laptop. Said laptop does not meet the minimum requirements for Solid Works, but I'm hoping that wont matter if I don't use the COSMOS Stress Finite Element Analysis stuff.
But while I wait I figured I might fill you guys in on why I'm doing this, no its not just to make fun 3D models.

I'm doing a ME 499 (I know the numbers just keep getting bigger!) Independant research project this quarter helping with the They Shall Walk program. Never heard of it? Well I bet you have seen this guy walking around campus in his hydrolic exoskeleton.


Thats a fellow by the name of Monty Reed, in the Life Suit 11 and he is the founder and head designer of the program.
that's an older model, the new one is stronger and more stable and the one we are working on right now will hopefully be able to walk by itself with input from a joy stick!

The idea is to let Paraplegics walk and in doing so allow for mobility as well as well as constant, active, physical therapy.

So what am I doing? I am making some computer models of the suit designs to have on file using Solid Works. And hopefully when the new design is ready I can help in its fabrication. Pretty slick huh? I thought so.

Thats all for now, hope you guys have a fantastic Halloween! I'm being Leonardo Da Vinci. Pics on Facebook soon.
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