Это сообщение на форуме, источника не осталось, у меня текст из Бруксовой рассылки начала нулевых.
Вот он (чтобы не терзать измученные глаза и души своим тупым переводом):
My own training has always been about going after a particular poundage related goal. When I started training as an 11 year old kid, my goal was to bench press 65 pounds-a 15 pound bar and collars and a pair of (then seemingly huge) 25 pound “monsters” on each side of the bar. I worked and worked and worked and finally made it. The next goal was 100 pounds...because it was a “magic number”...then 135 pounds (Olympic bar and a 45 on each side)...then 220 pounds on one of the old Universal Gym bench press stations that we all knew and loved 30 years ago (magic number, entire weight stack)...then 270 on the UG machine (220 pound stack plus a 50 pound plate on top of it-very magic and a surefire way-NOT-to impress the chicks)...then back to the barbell, 200 pounds on the barbell (magic number again)...225 (O bar and two 45s on each side)...then 300 pounds (magic number)...then 315 (3 45’s on each side)...then 350 (magic number)...then 365 (double bodyweight)...then 396 (NASA submaster’s american record at 19 ...then 400 (big magic number)...then 405 (submaster’s american and world record in another drug free lifting organization)...then 407 (to beat my 405 competition best)...and finally on up to a thick bar 420 starting from the bottom position in the rack, no bench shirt, in my basement (magic number-much more magic than 415 would have been, for example). And that little lifting sequence spanned about 25 or 26 years of pretty continuous lifting, with many goals and many challenges met and mastered over the years. I love lifting. I love the idea of setting a challenge for myself and working slowly and steadily to achieve it. I use the same approach I used on the bench press in every lift I do. I’m always aiming at a new goal-a new personal best. It may be based on a magic number, on a certain size or number of plates, on a percentage of bodyweight, on an old chart of lifts or records, on a particular lift done by one of the old timers, on current results in master’s competition, on something a friend has done, on something someone has posted about, on old competition results-it doesn’t matter. What matters is setting a goal for yourself and then GOING AFTER IT! This is the whole essence of our activity, and what it teaches you about yourself is one of the greatest benefits of the Iron Game. Learn to set goals. And when you set them, nail yourself to them. Attack them. Be aggressive. Never set a goal and later walk away from it. Make it a point of pride to meet and master every goal you set for yourself. When you do, you will have achieved one of the most important things you can achieve through strength training. You will have developed an IRON WILL. You will have learned the power of persistence. You will have discovered that you do indeed have the stuff that champions are made of. Good luck...and as Dan John says, “Never let go.”
Теперь эстеты могут отдохнуть.
На своих тренировках я всегда двигался к установленной, четко определенной цели. Когда я начал заниматься железом в 11 лет, первой целью было выжать лежа 65 фунтов [29,4 кг] - гриф с замками весом 15 фунтов [6,8 кг] и по 25-фунтовому [11,3 кг] «монстру» (тогда они казались огромными) с каждой стороны. Я тренировался, тренировался, тренировался и наконец сделал это.
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