Title: First Impressions Author: Ociwen Wordcount: 1548 Rating: Gish Disclaimer: Konomi owns all. Summary: Rikkai is expecting a new kid on the team. Mostly D2 Gen. Author's Notes: Today is Jackal's birthday- Happy Birthday, Jackal!
Title: Even more untitled Rikkai Halloween Crap Author: Ociwen Wordcount: 962 Rating: R probably Disclaimer: Konomi owns all. Summary: Jackal and Marui at the school dance. And corny costumes. Author's Notes: Still not really part of anything. I seriously love Halloween!
Title: Let Them Eat Cake Author: Ociwen Rating: PG13 Wordcount: 778 Disclaimer: Konomi owns all. Summary: Marui loves his cake... Author's Notes: Written for pixxers' birthday! Happy birthday, Pix!
Title: Secret Author: Ociwen Wordcount: 1166 Rating: G Disclaimer: Konomi owns all. Summary: Marui has a deep, dark secret. Author's Notes: My idea to not post fic this April has utterly and completely failed.