Drabble-age (248 words, Rikkaimyu)

Sep 13, 2007 20:00

Title: Untitled
Author: Ociwen
Wordcount: 248
Rating: PG?
Disclaimer: There is no disclaimer. Except that Kojirou manages Kane-chan.
Summary: Rikkaimyu RPS is wrong! (>.<)
Author's Notes: Written after chatting with yuki_scorpio about Kane-chan, Kojirou and the spoon.

Kento really didn’t want to know.

When he saw the pictures, he was convinced it was photoshopping. Models have a lot of photoshopping anyway. Surely no one would be that idiotic to post those things online.

Not that he should talk. Being single, he had a lot of free time. Having a lot of free time meant, well, he could surf the net until midnight before morning performances. Click here, there, find some odd blog linked on a sidebar on an official blog…

But it was Masa who really noticed. They were in Osaka, practicing backstage, messing around with makeup and stuffing their faces with doughnuts. Of course, Kane-chan had a bowl full of rice.

“Something wrong with your costume?” Masa asked. He pointed to Kane-chan’s shorts.

Kane-chan dropped his chopstick. He blinked, giving Masa that spacey, dopey smile he gave everyone.

Kento wasn’t fooled, though.

Not when, in the middle of the Fuurinkazan, in Osaka, he heard the faintest sound of a clank onstage. He skipped a step in the dance, but then, with his big feet, he missed a lot of steps so no one was any wiser.

Sure enough, there, in the middle of the stage, a spoon gleaned in the spotlight.

Kane-chan kept dancing. His shorts seemed to fit better in that instant, and even Masa raised an eyebrow and touched his Niou mole before he pirouetted offstage.

Kento was so taking up Genki on his offer to buy him contraband booze from Familymart.

rikkaimyu, drabble

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