Title: Untitled [A Short on...Seigaku Shorts]
Author: Ociwen
Wordcount: 319
Rating: R/NC17
Disclaimer: Konomi owns all.
Summary: Kaidoh has to borrow some shorts...
Author's Notes: Written for
whisper132. This is why I don't write InuKai. -____-
The borrowed shirt was too tight and the shorts? Too baggy around the butt. For all that moron might have gone on about his huge abs and tight gluts, his chest was scrawny and his fat ass, well, fat.
Momoshiro might have laughed and yelled, “You split your shorts, Mamushi! Oi, Echizen! Did you see Mamushi split his shorts?!” But really, it was Kaidoh who had the last laugh.
Kaidoh had wanted to practice tennis, just tennis, but when Inui-senpai hovered in the changeroom after practice and stuck his hand down the back of those too-loose shorts, Kaidoh moaned. Kaidoh moaned when Inui-senpai’s calloused hand started to thumb the underside of the dick and he moaned twice as loud and as long when Inui-senpai started to jerk him off.
“I want to check the measurement of your-” he said.
Kaidoh moaned. Those baggy shorts were bunched around his knees.
“-oh, fuck it,” Inui-senpai muttered. He pushed the hem of the too-tight shirt higher on Kaidoh’s chest. When Inui-senpai kissed him on the mouth, Kaidoh opened his lips and hissed against it. Practicing tennis was all and good, but he was more than up for a different sort of practice right now.
Kaidoh gave the shorts back at the next morning practice, unable to look Inui-senpai in the eye since last night. His mom washed the shorts, no questions asked about the funky smell in them, which Kaidoh would have blamed on Momoshiro if asked anyway.
Momoshiro snatched them away. When he started to pull them on, yelling something to Echizen about “viper germs”, Kaidoh could hear the loud and very familiar sound of fabric tearing.
“You split your shorts, idiot,” Kaidoh said, seeing Momoshiro’s hand grope the split seam down the middle of his shorts. “Fsssh.”
Kaidoh had the last laugh and all, but as he walked onto the tennis courts to start laps, he whistled to himself instead.