
Aug 26, 2006 14:57

Vexen had better stay the hell away from me, or he'll see what darkness can really do. That'll be a fine and dandy experiment.

So there's snow everywhere... The number of room-mates doubled for me. Neither of them seem bothered by the cold at all. It's strange. But then, so are they...

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austerulous August 26 2006, 03:18:02 UTC
So you are here. I see I did a good job in constructing you, if you've lasted this long.

I see you're not eager for a reunion. That is a shame, I'd love to see how you're doing these days. I'm sure a place like this will have had a dramatic effect on your psychosis. And you still hold the company of Naminé I see? That is curious.

[ooc; y halo thar :D]


replica_memory August 26 2006, 03:30:55 UTC

I don't see why I should be interested in meeting with someone who used me as a tool an treated me like a toy. And what of me being around Namine? Many people from the same world group together.

[ooc: heya.^^ nice to meetcha, even if nise's all venomous.]


austerulous August 26 2006, 03:44:01 UTC
So that's your reason? You were a valuable tool, and I don't have time for toys. Be grateful - I granted you existence, after all.

She tells me you're aware that your memories are mere fabrications, designed to suit our purpose, and yet you remain at her side. That, my boy, is what I find curious.

She also tells me you're 'just as real as any other person'. Would you be interested in trying to prove that laughable statement true?

[ooc; ♥ I was totally pleased to hear there was a Replica Riku player here, srsly! But yesh, question! You're using 'Nise' as his name, right? Is that something from the Japanese game that I should assume Vexen would know about, or should Vexen be intrigued to find that his replica has given itself a name? :O?]


replica_memory August 26 2006, 03:57:52 UTC
I'm glad to be alive but I refuse to be treated as some thing. I've thoughts and feelings of my own.

...It's my decision to remain with Namine. Better someone who treats me as a person than a possession.


[ooc: ♥ And I'm happy there's a Vexen. I love playing Replica Riku. The name comes from the Japanese game. Sometimes they'd call him 'Nisemono' which is fabircation, copy, fake, fraud, etc. For lack of a name he shortened that to 'Nise'. Vexen's likely to know it.^^]


austerulous August 26 2006, 04:06:39 UTC
If you do not wish to be treated as a mere object, then you should join me for a time. My research would not require harming you in any way, I assure you. I'm curious to see what effect living in this city may have had on you, and to see if perhaps you are as 'real' as you and she would like you to be.

I am, after all, a scientist. It's my duty to follow up any experiment. Grant me this, and perhaps you will be able to call yourself a real, true person with a clear conscience.

[ooc; Does he call himself 'Nise' during the course of the game, or is that something he's only started doing here in Poly-verse? :3]


replica_memory August 26 2006, 04:11:28 UTC
I don't see how you could prove or disprove my being real. If I can touch another person I should therefore exist, correct? Does that not make me real enough? And if I have my own will does that not make me a person?

I'm well aware of what you are. But I'm not an experiment now. I am me, and that's all.

[ooc: Something he started in the Poly-verse. In CoM others called him Nisemono but he didn't name himself.^^]


austerulous August 26 2006, 04:19:23 UTC
Now that is the sort of poetic nonsense I had expected the witch girl to respond with. We Nobodies are capable of the physical senses, but that alone does not grant us true existence. As for your supposed will, you're still enslaved by the false memories granted to you, whether you accept that or not. False memories granted to you by a Nobody, no less. The will proves nothing.

There is very little I don't view as an experiment.

[ooc; Righteous.]


replica_memory August 26 2006, 04:29:35 UTC
Tactile senses and conscious decision-making should prove me person enough. I've more capacity for feelings than a Nobody like you, Vexen, even if my heart is fake... Which now comes into debate in this weird place. I'm aware of what Namine did, and I know many of these memories are not real. Despite that I've no interest in returning to people that treated me as an object.

Something I am also aware of.

[ooc: hee, first time i've rped with a vexen that acted so in-character. yaaay.]


austerulous August 26 2006, 04:45:31 UTC
I won't deny that I take pleasure from my work, but I am not a scientist simply for the sake of study. Under the guidance of the Superior, I research the Heart, and the knowledge I attain would benefit all Nobodies. Including Naminé. Have you ever asked her if she would like a Heart? I assure you, the answer would be yes.

You may choose to call yourself real, using your own foolish preconceptions as some manner of 'proof'. But she will never be whole and remain herself, a fact she is cruelly aware of. ...Unless, of course, I am successful. If you were to become my specimen once again, our work together would be for her sake, as well as others. I'm sure that knowledge must move you in some way, Nise.

The terms of this agreement would of course be to your liking. At least, to some extent.

[ooc: Ah, thank you! I've never played him anywhere else before, so that's a really comforting thing to hear! XD
And yo, you totally have Nise [:D] down perfectly. I always felt real sorry for him in that game, and now you are giving me GUILT u__u]


replica_memory August 26 2006, 04:55:46 UTC
Well I...

Why would you profess some benevolence when all of your experiments are merely means for you to gain knowledge and data? I can't really believe that you'd simply offer a hand in helping Namine, nor that your precious Superior would be any more interested in that gesture.

And how exactly does a replica factor into giving Nobodies hearts?

[ooc: I'm so glad that I'm doing him some justice. I worry a lot about how he should be and all. I liked him more than Riku in CoM... But no guilting! *clings*]


austerulous August 26 2006, 05:06:56 UTC
You've already said why. If this city has somehow allowed your false heart to evolve into something more complete, then I see no reason why this cannot work to our benefit. I would need to study you further to confirm if that is truly the case, of course.

As for this claim to benevolence, I feel no obligation to anyone outside of our Organization. However, I must confess to finding the young witch girl a compelling individual, and an equally fascinating potential test subject. It would be a shame if she were to merge with the other girl.

Although I'm sure that statement has awakened your false promises to protect her. Without other work to distract me, I am naturally more inclined to turn to her for research material. I'm sure by now, the list of reasons you should meet with me is becoming somewhat difficult to deny.

[ooc; <3 These are the longest replies I've ever seen for a single RP thread! Go us!]


replica_memory August 26 2006, 05:56:15 UTC
That's supposing that it is something more than it was before. I was capable of emotions that seemed as real as anyone else's, which Nobodies could not do but... They feel the same as before. What would be the difference then, if my heart has changed?

...I agree only in that I'd rather she not have to rejoin Kairi but I have no interest in her becoming some guinea pig. She doesn't deserve that. No one does.

False? The memory was false but Sora did have me promise to protect her after I realized the memories I was given were fake... So now you're telling me that if not me, you'll go after her?

[ooc: indeed, we're on quite a roll. <3]


austerulous August 26 2006, 06:13:13 UTC
That, my boy, is what I would be attempting to find out. How does one differentiate between emotions which are false, and those which are genuine? Of course, there's a high chance your heart is just as fake now as it ever was, which would explain what you've just stated.

But does she deserve to continue on as she has, without a heart? You're being too idealistic. Sometimes, this sacrifices have to be made for the further advancement of us all. And do not make the mistake of thinking I believe myself to be exempt from that.

There are many suitable candidates for study here. Naminé and Kairi, Sora and Roxas - both pairs are a previously unattainable oppourtunity to witness the contrasts and interactions between a Nobody and their other half. Then there is yourself, and of course the boy Riku is here in the city as well. Just how have the events since my 'demise' shaped you two? Have you developed along similar paths, or grown apart in your behavioural patterns ( ... )


replica_memory August 26 2006, 06:53:16 UTC

I'll consider what you are saying, but I want to speak to a few people first. I will not assume that Namine desires to be anything else than what she is, and I've no wish to change who she is. There are those like her that I want to talk to before I can answer you properly.

I would like to know what you meant before by terms though, should I choose to cooperate. And that is not definite until I have affirmed that it's something that would benefit the people who matter to me.

So I would like if you would explain in further detail.


austerulous August 26 2006, 07:18:41 UTC
A wise decision, to consult others ( ... )


replica_memory August 26 2006, 22:52:20 UTC
As usual you outline things in a rather apt manner. Most of that seems practical. If we have ground rules I would suggest the inclusion of the names of who would be benefiting from your research. Should I agree, I want to be sure that Namine, Roxas, and Axel are included. That would make Term VII.

Also, Term V designates what may or may not be said. I think the same might apply to you. Any memories or like information that you come across, I reserve the right to say I do not want your compatriots knowing about.

In Term II, I would like you to define commands. As I said, I will never agree to be a tool of the Organization again. If this is to the benefit of my friends I will act on that, but I won't behave as I once did.

Those are my thoughts for the moment. If while discussing with the others I come up with more defined ideas I will inform you when I've made a decision.


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