
Aug 26, 2006 14:57

Vexen had better stay the hell away from me, or he'll see what darkness can really do. That'll be a fine and dandy experiment.

So there's snow everywhere... The number of room-mates doubled for me. Neither of them seem bothered by the cold at all. It's strange. But then, so are they...

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austerulous August 26 2006, 06:13:13 UTC
That, my boy, is what I would be attempting to find out. How does one differentiate between emotions which are false, and those which are genuine? Of course, there's a high chance your heart is just as fake now as it ever was, which would explain what you've just stated.

But does she deserve to continue on as she has, without a heart? You're being too idealistic. Sometimes, this sacrifices have to be made for the further advancement of us all. And do not make the mistake of thinking I believe myself to be exempt from that.

There are many suitable candidates for study here. Naminé and Kairi, Sora and Roxas - both pairs are a previously unattainable oppourtunity to witness the contrasts and interactions between a Nobody and their other half. Then there is yourself, and of course the boy Riku is here in the city as well. Just how have the events since my 'demise' shaped you two? Have you developed along similar paths, or grown apart in your behavioural patterns?

All extremely intriguing. Of course, if you come with me now, I needn't worry about the other studies. A willing subject is preferable, for obvious reasons.


replica_memory August 26 2006, 06:53:16 UTC

I'll consider what you are saying, but I want to speak to a few people first. I will not assume that Namine desires to be anything else than what she is, and I've no wish to change who she is. There are those like her that I want to talk to before I can answer you properly.

I would like to know what you meant before by terms though, should I choose to cooperate. And that is not definite until I have affirmed that it's something that would benefit the people who matter to me.

So I would like if you would explain in further detail.


austerulous August 26 2006, 07:18:41 UTC
A wise decision, to consult others.

As for those terms, I would naturally expect you to have some input yourself. I understand that, if I wish for you to remain a compliant specimen, then causing you any manner of physical harm is obviously not an option. Therefore, consider that term i.

Any commands that do not directly contradict term i, I would expect to be obeyed. As long as you remain under my care and follow these terms, then I would maintain minimal contact with Sora, Roxas, Naminé and Kairi. Term ii.

ii-b, I would not command you to cause any harm to any of the aforementioned parties, nor would I use you as a go-between to further any research I might wish to partake in that involves them. They would be left to their own devices, assuming they do not try to interfere. If they do take it upon themselves to do so, then circumstances have changed, and I will be free to act accordingly.

Although I would not intend to damage you or your heart, science is at times a matter of trial and error. It is highly unlikely that any test I can devise would put you in serious danger, especially in light of term i, but I will not be held responsible should you heart prove too weak. Term iii.

As of your agreeing to these terms, you will be free to come and go from my laboratory. However, I would require the right to detain you for set lengths of time, should an experiment involve some level of prolonged observation. Other than at these times, you would be free to live anywhere within the City. Term iv.

You would be allowed to tell your friends about the research I am undertaking. However, if I specifically tell you not to repeat certain information or details, then you must obey. Term v.

v-b, the only one who can override the above term is the Superior himself. You may know him as Xenmas.

If it any point any of the above terms are actively broken, then any agreements we have are null and void, and I can once again to proceed however I may wish. If, perchance, a term is broken by mistake, that situation shall be examined individually. Term vi.

If there is anything you wish altered, now would be the time to speak. When, or if, you choose to accept this agreement, I will publish these terms for all to read, so your friends will know not to pressurize you for any reason - unless of course you would rather your friends did not know.

[ooc; I can't believe I just wrote that >: ]


replica_memory August 26 2006, 22:52:20 UTC
As usual you outline things in a rather apt manner. Most of that seems practical. If we have ground rules I would suggest the inclusion of the names of who would be benefiting from your research. Should I agree, I want to be sure that Namine, Roxas, and Axel are included. That would make Term VII.

Also, Term V designates what may or may not be said. I think the same might apply to you. Any memories or like information that you come across, I reserve the right to say I do not want your compatriots knowing about.

In Term II, I would like you to define commands. As I said, I will never agree to be a tool of the Organization again. If this is to the benefit of my friends I will act on that, but I won't behave as I once did.

Those are my thoughts for the moment. If while discussing with the others I come up with more defined ideas I will inform you when I've made a decision.


austerulous August 27 2006, 03:50:49 UTC
Your term vii is reasonable. Yes, it shall be included. However, if the Superior directs me not to aid any of those three, then I must do as he says. That may apply to Axel, specifically. I'm sure you understand. Of course, I will not encourage the Superior to intervene in any manner - although I work under his guidance I prefer to conduct my research as I see fit.

Much the same applies to your addition to term v. If the Superior inquires, then I won't deny him. However, your privacy shall be respected under all other circumstances.

To define commands... essentially, these commands would be related to the research we would be partaking in. Although, at this time, I cannot be completely specific, simply because I do not know what the preliminary research might uncover and thus am unsure how I might wish to proceed, you will not be expected to carry out duties on behalf of the Organization. There is a chance you will be requested to duel with either myself, or possibly other Organization members, but never for any purpose outside of research, and never to any extreme length.

However, I would like at this stage to ask you something. I am quite aware that you do not trust me. In truth, I have similar doubts towards you. How can I be sure that, assuming you consent, you will hold to your word? Have you any manner in which you can assure me to your upholding your end of this bargain?


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