I didn't even know that Tom Cruise was in this...

Jun 15, 2009 12:17

...and even after recognizing him it was still hard to see given how he is here!

9:00 PM 6/14/09 · Honestly can't remember how Tropic Thunder was taken by audiences when it came out. Personally, I had a blast with it. What I got from the trailers gave me certain expectations that were met but given the length of the film it was all very well spaced out and what I got was so much more than I was expecting.

I majored in vague at college.

If you've seen the trailers you probably know the basics of this movie. Yet another film company has gotten a project started to do yet another Vietnam War flick. They've hired the absolute best actors, whatever criteria they used for "best" is questionable at best, and they are so full of themselves that the film is running very late. Not a one of them listens to the director so, in a daring and idiotic move, he flies the lot of them out into the actual jungle and takes them completely out of their element to try and make something real...

...and steps on a landmine leaving them stranded.

They are a motley bunch to be sure. A comedian whose made horrible yet popular stuff and is hopelessly hooked on drugs. A rapper who is far too commercial and into promoting himself and selling anything for a buck. A method actor who sinks so deeply into his roles he's not even sure who he is anymore. A relatively new actor who seems to be the only one with any sense of reality to him. Finally, the action star who isn't that bright and his career is on the wane...

...and, interestingly enough, when things go south he's the only one that doesn't realize they're not still doing a movie.

Also has a kind of sad commentary on the whole Hollywood mindset...qhich they still managed to make fun.

Every single song ever associated with the Vietnam War is played here. Well, not all of them, obviously...it's only a 2 hour film but there's a lot of them to be sure.

It's worth hanging through the credits to keep watching. There's a bunch of scenes from the film and a few things that were probably behind the scenes...but mostly it's Tom Cruise dancing in character. Badly. Once past that there's some interesting remixes of a few select pieces of music with clips from the film in them.

Tropic Thunder leaps around a lot in as what kind of film it is, which really only makes sense if you've seen it. There's a couple really bad references to Platoon in here...but for the most part I still laughed my ass off.

See it!

genre: action, movie: tropic thunder, genre: comedy, director: ben stiller

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