Fanfic-- Mimi/Mark-- 005. Outsides/006. Hours/007. Days

May 23, 2006 22:55

Title: Honestly, Mark.
Characters: Mark, Mimi.
Prompt: 005. Outsides.
Word Count: 291
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Mimi always gets wordier when she's angry.
Author's Notes: Feedback, reviews, criticisms are always almost better than Reese's Peanut Butter Cups ice cream. (Definitely over author’s notes creativity.)
Disclaimer: Nothing’s mine, nor will be. No matter how hard I wish.

“What about this one?” Mimi twists her hips around, letting her filmy purple skirt attack Mark’s knees as she does.
“Mimi, is it really fashion conscientious to wear a long lacy skirt with ripped up fishnets? I know I’m just a guy and I’m kind of clueless when it comes to girl stuff, but it just seems wrong to me.” Mark knows immediately that he’s said the wrong thing. Her face falls and she flings herself down on the couch next to him.
“What about that blue pants outfit I wore the first night we met?” She finally asks, almost pitifully.
“Meems, why is it so important what you wear tonight? Roger’s going to… I mean, he hasn’t seen you for 2 months, I would think he’d be so excited just to see you that…”
The fire in Mimi’s eyes tells him he’s said the wrong thing yet again.
“You know what? You’re right, you don’t know anything!”
She’s raging now. Mark’s really screwed up this time.
“97% of the success of today is dependant on my looking hot tonight! He has to have visual recollection of why he missed me so much. Honestly, Mark!”
Mimi always gets wordier when she’s angry.
“Meems, I’m sure he’ll remember why he misses you even if you don’t look hot. It’s you he misses, you know, not your legs.”
Now she’s sighing and rolling her eyes at him.
“Mark. Do you think it’s because of Roger’s beautiful soul that I came up here and seduced him that Christmas Eve? Or do you think it’s because he looked fucking do-able in a pair of plaid pants? Honestly, Mark, sometimes it’s what’s on the outside that counts. Now help me choose something to wear tonight, punk!”

Title: Sometime
Characters: Mark, Mimi.
Prompt: 006. Hours.
Word Count: 188
Rating: G
Summary: It was never really clear.
Author's Notes: Feedback, reviews, criticisms are always almost better than Reese's Peanut Butter Cups ice cream. (Definitely over author’s notes creativity.)
Disclaimer: Nothing’s mine, nor will be. No matter how hard I wish.

It was never really clear what the moment was. The moment when the universe decided that it would be them. Forever.
When their lips found each for the first time, it was obvious. But they, and everyone else, knew that it must have begun sometime before then.
Sometime in the dark hours he spent holding her while she shook and sweated her way through withdrawal for the third and last time.
Sometime in the awkward minutes where they all went dancing together and she realized she was dancing with him instead of with the man she was facing and should have been with.
Sometime in the beautiful seconds where he showed her works in progress and his face lit up in the rush of excitement as he told her what he would do next.
Sometime in the quiet hours they spent sitting on the fire escape and watched a hundred thousand people with fate-enforced lives of their own pass them by.
Or maybe it was sometime in an unassuming second, minute, hour, while she brushed her teeth or he bought a new tape, and they knew. It happened.

Title: Wondering
Characters: Roger, Mimi.
Prompt: 007. Days.
Word Count: 234
Rating: PG
Summary: Men. And they think we're the lesser sex.
Author's Notes: Feedback, reviews, criticisms are always almost better than Reese's Peanut Butter Cups ice cream. (Definitely over author’s notes creativity.)
Disclaimer: Nothing’s mine, nor will be. No matter how hard I wish.

“Have you ever wondered?”
“Pardon?” I looked up from applying my make=up for the second time that day. Roger is simply incapable of understanding the disastrous effect his… um… “affections” have on a girl’s make-up. The man in question was busy pacing crazily in front of my bed and, in fact, not noticing that I was redoing my make-up.
“About Mark. Where he does when he disappears like that. Sometimes, Meems, it’s for days. He doesn’t even take his camera sometimes. Do you think he’s leading some kind of second life? Like he has a whole second group of friends? Like he has a whole other best friend? Do you think his other best friend can play guitar better than me?”
After staring at his crazy for several seconds, I finally rolled my eyes. “Rog, he has a new girlfriend.”
“He has a what?”
“A new girlfriend,” I repeated patiently. “He met her during one of those film courses he takes when he has the money. Her name is Julie and she has long curly red hair. Her apartment has heat all the time. Sometimes they just lie in her bed and talk until 4 am and she never tells him to go home.” I grinned at Roger who had just sat down heavily on my bed. “Don’t you ever listen to him when he talks?”
Men. And they think we’re the lesser sex.

I come bearing 3 fics to make up for my stupid disappearing act. I promise more will come soon.

fanfic: mimi/mark

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