Fanfic--Collins/Maureen--063. Summer and 028. Children

May 20, 2006 16:28

Title: Popsicles

Characters: Collins/Angel, Maureen/Joanne, Roger/Mimi, Mark

Prompt: 063. Summer

Rating: PG13

Word Count: 880

Summary: It’s summer and it’s hot. The group needs a way to cool off.

Notes: ---
Special Thanks: to Mr. Foster, for giving me an English assignment to be put off by writing fanfics.

Disclaimer: If anyone owns anything, it is Jonathan Larson. And not only does he own Rent, but he owns my soul.

“It’s hot,” Maureen whined as she attempted to fan herself with a spare paper plate.

“No shit, Sherlock,” Roger groaned as he pushed his hair back out of his face.

“Be nice,” Mimi pleaded, not wanting to cause tensions to rise like the thermometer was.

Maureen reached up and swiped the back of her hand across her forehead, removing any beads of sweat that had mounted there. She flopped backwards onto the grass, hoping it’d be cool and refreshing. But much to her dismay, it wasn’t. The grass was hot and scratchy against her bare shoulders and she immediately bolted back up. “Fucking sun,” she muttered.

The gang had just finished their weekly picnic at the park, a summer trend they’d been trying to follow in an attempt to get everyone together more often. Today was an especially hot day with temperatures setting record highs around 95 degrees.

“Who’s brilliant idea was it to come out here and roast in the sun?” Collins asked, squinting.

“Mimi’s,” Roger informed the professor as he pointed at his girlfriend.

“Thanks for ratting me out, Rog,” she rolled her eyes. “It wasn’t just my idea. Everyone agreed to it.”

“I’ll be right back,” Joanne said as she climbed off of the worn checkered blanket.

“Holy shit, it’s hot,” Collins said as he reached for the bottom of his t-shirt.

“Yes it is,” Angel nodded as Collins pulled his shirt off. She slid her fingers over his glistening body before planting a kiss on his lips. Collins chuckled as Angel’s light touch tickled his abdomen.

“You two,” Mark shook his head. “We can’t take you anywhere. You’re always all over each other.”

“Is that a problem?” Collins asked the cameraman who was busy reapplying sunscreen to his pale face.

“Well,” Mark shrugged. “I guess not.”

“Then shut up,” Collins smiled.

“Back,” Joanne puffed as she collapsed back onto the blanket, her arms full of something.

“What’d you bring, Pookie?” Maureen asked, her interest finally sparked.

“Popsicles,” she smiled.

Maureen reached forward and inspected the frozen treats, trying to see the colors through the white wrappers. She grinned when she found the red tinted one, tossing the others back onto the blanket.

“Why do you always get to pick first?” Roger asked the diva as he leaned over to grab one.

“Cause my baby got them,” Maureen replied. “And she loves me more than you.”

Roger rolled his eyes as he reached for a purple one.

“Hey, I want the purple,” Mimi whined.

“There’s another one,” he told her.

“Good,” she replied, grabbing the Popsicle from his hands. “You get it.”

“Purple’s gross,” Maureen informed the couple.

“You’re gross,” Roger replied as he reached for the second grape one.

“What color you want baby?” Collins asked Angel.

“Orange,” she replied.

Collins reached forward and snatched the orange as well as a green one before anyone else could take them.

“Mark, there are two left,” Joanne said. “Which would you like?”

“Yellow,” Mark told her.

“Good,” she grinned. “I hate the yellow ones. Orange is my favorite.”

“I like the yellow,” Mark shrugged as he popped the frozen juice up through the top of the wrapper.

“Hey, it’s kind of albino,” Maureen said, looking over at Mark’s Popsicle.

“Kind of like Marky,” Roger grinned.

“Shut up,” Mark said, balling his wrapper and tossing it at the guitarist.

“You know it’s true,” Roger laughed. “You’re wearing sunscreen with SPF 45 for Christ’s sake. And you’ve reapplied it like six times since we’ve been here.”

“Only twice,” Mark corrected him. “And if I don’t, then I risk looking like a lobster for the rest of the summer.”

“That’d be funny,” Collins laughed as he pulled the green Popsicle out of his mouth.

“I want a lick,” Angel demanded. “And be nice to Mark. He can’t help that he’s albino.”

“Why does everyone pick on me?” Mark asked. “I didn’t do anything!”

Angel smiled as she sucked on the frozen green juice bar. “Sorry Marky.”

“Mark, what’s the yellow taste like?” Mimi asked.

“Banana,” Mark replied, pulling it out of his mouth.

Mimi crawled across the blanket and licked the Popsicle. “Pretty good.”

“You licked Mark’s Popsicle,” Roger laughed.

“Don’t be so immature,” Mimi scolded him. “Or I’ll bite yours.”

“Hey, hey, hey,” Roger said, pulling his dessert away from his girlfriend. “Be nice to my Popsicle.”

Maureen leaned over and bit a chunk out of Joanne’s Popsicle while she wasn’t paying attention and laid back down on the blanket, her head resting on Joanne’s knee.

“Who ate my Popsicle?” Joanne asked.

“Angel,” Maureen replied.

Joanne looked over at the drag queen who was far too interested in her boyfriend to be paying any attention.

“Why would Angel do that?” Mark asked. “They have the same flavor.”

“Honey, you have your own Popsicle,” Joanne scolded her girlfriend. “Leave mine alone.”

“I don’t want to,” Maureen whined. “Yours is better than mine.”

Roger scoffed but muffled it as Mimi whacked him upside the head. “Roger Davis,” she scolded. “Behave yourself or you and your Popsicle will find yourselves to be very lonely later tonight.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Roger saluted her.

“Don’t sass me,” she giggled, leaning in to kiss him.

“You like my Popsicle,” Roger told her.

“Yes, I do,” she smiled.

Title: Go Fish


Characters: Collins, Angel, Maureen, Joanne, Mark, Roger, Mimi, Cindy, OC

Prompt: 028. Children

Word Count: 1946

Rating: PG

Summary: Cindy needs a babysitter

Author’s Notes: This is quite long, but it’s a lot of conversation. It’s not as long as it looks.

Disclaimer: I don’t own, I just rent. Thank you Jonathan Larson.

Ring, ring…

“Somebody get that!”

Ring, ring…


“Mark? Mark, are you there? It’s Cindy,”

“Hey, it’s me,” the cameraman said, gasping for breath.

“Am I interrupting anything?” she asked.

“No,” he replied. “I was just getting back to the loft. What’s up?”

“I’m not really sure what to do,” she said. “I need some place for the kids to go this weekend. Mom and dad are still in Hawaii and David’s parents live in Washington. He’s out in Virginia on a business trip and I’ve got a conference in upstate New York that I found out about this morning. What do I do?”

“I’ll watch the kids,” Mark offered.

“Oh Mark,” Cindy replied. “I don’t know.”

“Oh come on, Cind,” he pleaded. “I’m good with the kids. They love me.”

“I know they do,” she said. “But the loft is… not exactly Scarsdale.”

“What’s so wrong with the loft?” Mark asked.

“Nothing, but it’s a lot to expose the kids to.”

“Well, if you didn’t want them to come here, why’d you call?”

“I… I don’t know,” she replied. “I guess this is okay.”

“Well, you need some help. I’m here, the city is right on the way.”

“Thanks Mark. I really appreciate this.”

“Relax, it’s not all sex, drugs and rock and roll like you think it is… Cindy? Cindy?”

“Okay,” she said tightly. “I’ll see you Friday.”

*                              *                              *                              *                              *                              *

“When are they coming?” Maureen asked for the third time in the past twenty minutes.

“Soon,” Mark replied.

“How soon?”

“Soon,” Roger echoed.

Mimi was perched in the windowsill, in Roger’s usual spot, glancing out the window. Roger walked over from the kitchen and set his hands on Mimi’s shoulders. She rubbed her cheek against one of his hands as she checked the window again.

“They’re here,” Mimi alerted the loftees.

“All right guys,” Mark said, standing up. “Remember what I said. Behave yourselves, Collins, no pot. Rog, watch your mouth. Maureen, try not to molest Joanne. Cuddling, okay, groping, not okay. No booze either.”

“All right, Marky, we get it,” Collins laughed as Angel buried herself into his chest.

Roger leaned over Mimi and pushed the window open. He looked down onto the street and saw a young blonde woman piling out of a taxi with two young children, a girl and a boy.

“Hey Cindy,” Roger shouted down.

The woman jumped and looked around, confused as to where the voice was coming from.

“Up here!”

Cindy looked up towards the loft and saw a tall thin man with long blond hair waving to her. A small woman with dark hair was sitting beside him, smiling as well.

“Hi Roger,” she said, sounding less than enthused. She remembered him as Mark’s horny scumbag friend from high school. He looked much different now and she hoped he had grown up a lot since then.

Roger watched as Mark scrambled out to the taxi, the children clinging to his legs. Cindy loaded Mark up with a few suitcases as she tried to pry the little girl off of Mark’s leg.

“Here they come,” Roger said, moving away from the window.

“Will you please relax?” Mark asked as he pushed Cindy towards the door.

“Are you sure you can do this? I mean, it’s a lot of responsibility. I can skip the conference,” she said, looking over her brother’s shoulder.

“Get! Go have fun with your teaching friends. The kids will be fine.”

“Bye Rach, bye Samuel,” she waved from the doorway.

“Bye momma,” Rachel waved from her perch in Mimi’s lap.

Samuel hadn’t let go of Mark’s leg yet and he waved shyly from his position.

“Mark, you call me if there’s any problem. I’ll be back Sunday morning.”

“They’ll be fine,” he grumbled. “Get out!”

Cindy blew kisses as Mark pushed her out of the door. He slid it closed while dragging the small blond boy along with him. Mark leaned down and picked up the boy, who buried his face in Mark’s neck.

“Come on, Sam,” Mark coaxed. “You like these people. There’s Uncle Tom and Aunt Angel,” he murmured, kneeling beside the anarchist and transvestite. “And there’s Aunt Maureen and Aunt Joanne.”

The diva wiggled her fingers at the two-year-old as she cuddled in Joanne’s lap. Joanne smiled at the child, who looked very much like his uncle.

“And there’s Uncle Rogie and Aunt Mimi,” he said, moving over to the window where Rachel was sitting.

“I like Auntie Mimi,” she announced.

Mimi giggled as the child played with her dark curly hair, twisting it up on top of her head. The little girl smiled proudly at her creation, showing Uncle Mark how pretty Mimi’s hair was.

“She’s very pretty,” Mark replied. “Don’t you think so, Rog?”

“Very pretty,” Roger echoed, kissing his girlfriend.

“Are you two married?” Rachel asked.

“No, baby,” Mimi replied.

“Then why are you kissing?” she asked, climbing onto Roger’s lap.

“Because we love each other,” she explained.

“Momma says only married people kiss,” the five-year-old explained.

“Really,” Roger asked, rolling his eyes.

“Yeah,” she shrugged. “Are you gonna get married?”

“Maybe some day,” Mimi said, resting her hand on the child’s knee. “Are you ticklish, Rachel?”

“No,” she giggled as Mimi pinched her knee. The girl burst into a fit of laughter, wriggling about as Mimi and Roger tickled her.

Maureen climbed off of her lover and walked over to Mark. She extended her arms to the little boy and cooed softly. “Hi Sammy. Want to come see Aunt Maureen?”

Samuel looked the diva over before deciding she was okay. He climbed into her arms and grabbed onto her dark hair, tugging gently.

“Ow, baby,” Maureen said as she walked back over to the couch, wedging herself between Joanne and Angel.

“Hi Sammy,” Joanne said, running a dark finger along his chin.

“Hi,” he said, nestling into Maureen’s lap.

Roger scooped up Rachel and he and Mimi moved onto the floor beside the couch, Mark following.

“Aw, Mo, he likes you,” Collins chuckled as the little boy groped the actress.

“Ha, ha,” she laughed, moving the little boy’s hands away from her chest.

“Mo?” Rachel asked from Roger’s lap.

“That’s my nickname,” Maureen replied.

“Auntie Mo,” Rachel said, trying the name out.

“Rach, you wanna color?” Mark asked, digging through one of the three bags the kids had brought along.

“Auntie Mimi, do you want to color with me?” the child asked, scrambling over to Mark.

“Sure, maja,” she replied.

“Maja?” the child asked, bringing over a Beauty and the Beast coloring book and a plastic baggie filled with crayons.

“It’s a nickname,” she explained. “Like when momma calls you sweetie or something.”

“Momma calls me punkin,” Rachel said as she flipped through the pages, landing on one of Belle dancing with the beast. “Want to color, too, Uncle Roger?”

“Sure,” he said, lying down beside the girls.

“Here, baby, go see Auntie Angel,” Maureen sighed, passing Samuel off to the cross dresser.

“Hi Sammy,” Angel cooed as the child climbed onto her lap.

Collins laughed as Sam examined Angel, poking at her face and pulling at her shirt. His arm was stretched around his lover and he reached over with his other hand, holding it open for the child. Samuel grabbed onto the dark hand and shoved the finger in his mouth.

“Collins, he’s adorable,” Angel murmured to her lover.

“I know,” he replied.

“I want one,” Angel informed him.

“Ang, I’m not sure how that’s gonna go over,” Collins said. “We sort of lack the baby having equipment here.”

“Us, too,” Joanne added.

“Hey, I’ll get pregnant, and we can share the baby, okay?” Maureen laughed.

“You’re having a baby?” Rachel asked, looking up at Maureen.

“Oh, no, sugar,” Maureen said, shaking her head. “Not right now.”


“I don’t know,” she smiled.

“Who’s gonna be the daddy?”

Maureen looked over at Mark for some help. He was staring back, conveying the same thoughts.

“Rachel, let’s finish this picture,” Mimi said, trying to pull the child’s attention back to the coloring book.

“Okay,” she sighed, flopping back down on her belly in between the guitarist and the dancer. “Uncle Roger, that’s not the right color. Belle’s dress is yellow.”

“Oh, this isn’t yellow?” he asked, examining the crayon.

“No, that’s pink,” she giggled.

“Hey, what are we gonna have for dinner?” Mark asked.

“Macaroni and cheese!” Rachel exclaimed.

“I don’t think we have any,” Mark said, glancing over at Roger and Mimi. “How about pizza?”

“Okay,” Rachel said, smiling. “Cheese.”

“Cheese it is.”

*                              *                              *                              *                              *                              *

Later on that evening, Angel, Collins, Maureen and Rachel were sprawled on the floor, playing a game of Go Fish, which Maureen was losing horribly. Joanne and Mimi were busy keeping Samuel busy and Roger and Mark were cleaning up after dinner.

“Auntie Mo, got any eights?” Rachel asked.

Maureen sighed and pulled her eight out of her hands. Collins giggled from behind his fan of cards as he watched Maureen try to stay calm.

“Uncle Tom, got any sixes?”

“Nope, go fish,” he replied.

“Your turn, Auntie Angel,” Rachel announced.

“Baby, you got any fives?”

“Go fish,” Collins replied.

“Are you two married?” Rachel asked as Angel picked up a card.

“No sweetie,” Collins answered.

“Are you in love?”

“Yes,” Angel said.

“Like Uncle Roger and Aunt Mimi?”

“Yes,” Angel replied.

“Rachel, have you got any nines?” Maureen asked.

“Go Fish, Auntie Mo,” she giggled.

Maureen sighed and picked up another card.

“Are you gonna have a baby?” Rachel asked Angel.

“No, honey,” she smiled.

“Why not?”

“Because I can’t,” she explained.

“Why not?”

“Rach, do you have any queens?” Collins asked.

“Yeah,” she sighed, handing her card to the anarchist.

“Sammy’s asleep,” Joanne said as she and Mimi came out of Roger and Mimi’s room. “What are you guys playing?”

“Go fish!” Rachel exclaimed. “Wanna play?”

“Sure,” Joanne smiled as she situated herself in between Collins and Maureen. Rachel handed the lawyer five cards and Joanne fanned them in her hands. Maureen leaned her head on Joanne’s knee as she picked up another card.

“Is she your sister?” Rachel asked Joanne.

“No, baby,” Joanne replied.

“Is she your best friend?”

“Yes,” Joanne smiled.

“I have a best friend. Her name is Leah,” Rachel announced. “She’s in my class at school.”

“Rachel, it’s time for bed,” Mark called as he came into the main room.

“Can I finish my game?” she asked.

“Sure,” he replied. Mark reached into her suitcase and dug around for a pair of pajamas.

“Uncle Mark, those aren’t pajamas,” Mimi said from her spot on the couch. “Let me find them.”

“Okay,” Mark sighed. “You girls are so much better at this kid thing than I am.”

“We have maternal instincts.”

“Whatever,” Mark sighed.

*                              *                              *                              *                              *                              *

“I never want to eat another bowl of macaroni and cheese in my life,” Roger moaned on Sunday afternoon.

“Me either,” Joanne sighed.

“I love it,” Maureen said excitedly.

“This was a fun weekend,” Mimi yawned as she lay on top of Roger.

“I want kids,” Angel said as she stretched out on Collins.

“Me, too,” he nodded.

“Rog, let’s have a baby,” Mimi said, smiling at him.

“Ha, ha,” he laughed. “We’re not even married yet.”

“I want at least five or six,” she laughed.

“Three girls and three boys. And they’ll all be musically talented, of course. And we’ll start a family band! And travel the country.”

Mimi laughed. “What are we, the Partridge family?”

“Sure,” he chuckled.

“Well, as glad as I am that they came for the weekend, I don’t think I’m ready for kids yet,” Mark said. “I’m good just being Uncle Marky for now.”

fanfic: collins/maureen

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