Pic spam! Summer Walk with Nine

Sep 01, 2008 23:26

After all that happened with Emmies on Thursday (::hugs Em::), when I went home to see parents and change my oil and stuff on Saturday, I made it a point to get a lot of pictures of Niner. And, you know, pretty summer scenery, but mostly? Niner.

Her back legs may not work very well anymore, and are apt to collapse suddenly without much warning, but Niner still loves to go for a walk.

Only picture I got of her "bopped" tail. Apparently she walked in with an entire burdock plant attached to her tail the other day, so mom chopped off the giant burry mat that had been on her tail for so long it was kinda hard to tell where tail ended and mat began. Thankfully, the mat was snipped without any tail injury, but now her tail seems about 6 inches shorter than usual.

Aspen trees and Nine walking through their shadow.

Oooo, she smelled something.

Following her nose into the weeds.

Hot Doggie. Going up the hill is so much slower than going down.

She was looking at something. Couldn't tell you what it was.

That's it for Niner. Now for the pretty summer scenery.

Looking down the road

Green and gold

SNEEEEEZE WEEEEEEDS! Also known as jewelweed (orange), goldenrod (gold/yellow), and... that other one I don't know the name for (light purplish)

Looking up the road

Mom had the water running down the drive way for the swallows when Nine and I got back. I thought her little make-shift fountain was rather pretty, so I took a picture of it.

There were a few more, but they either weren't very good or I thought they were kinda repetitive, so I left them out. But YAY doggie pic spam!

pic spam, summer, dogs, niner

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