(no subject)

Jul 26, 2008 15:33

Today I went Rummage Sale-ing with Mandy for furniture for the new house (bastards keep delaying the closing, but hopefully Monday means she will be the official owner!) - oh, by the way, if I haven't mentioned it, I might be moving again soonish to a house closer to campus. ;)

Anyway, I found a *really* nice bed frame for $10, a mattress for $20, and a book shelf/case for $5, as well as a little wall-mounted shelf thingy that I can put on the wall under the mirror set I picked up a few weeks ago for $2. So, basically, I've furnished my entire room already for 40 bucks (not counting the $20 I spent on my current book shelf when I first moved in here, and the $50 I spent on a nice lamp at about the same time). Must love rummage sales.

Still need maybe one more book shelf and a dresser, but the parents have already said I am welcome to snatch one of the many dressers hanging around unused at their house. Book shelf/case/whatever isn't a big thing anymore since I have two after today's find. Also, the really nice wood bed frame I mentioned earlier? Totally has a book shelf built into the headboard! Schweet!

Mandy found a rocking chair and some other odds and ends, and we ended up coming back home with a rather large van load of stuff, so wohoo, go us and our leet rummaging skillzz.

Then I came back to the house, ate lunch, and went and got groceries, where I spent 26 bucks. Damned munchies get me every time.

On an entirely different note, EUREKA TUESDAY! So much YAY! Their neighborly commercial is awesome.

roommates, eureka, garage sale, apartment search, yay, shopping

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