In which my subconscious writes it's own SGA/Quantum Leap xover

Jul 05, 2008 11:41

Owwwww. Having an almost full can of bug spray get tossed at you and then having it land right on your knee - specifically, having the bottom edge of it land hard enough to leave a half-inch red crescent surrounded by about a nickel-sized bruise on the very top of your knee - reeeeally really hurts. Happened last night during the camp fire. Spent the rest of the evening gimping, and this morning isn't much better. Walking is okay, but going up and down stairs sucks. Makes things a bit difficult since I reeeeeally need to do laundry cause I only have two pairs of clean underwear left, one of which I still need for today, and the washer and dryer are waaaaay down in the basement, while all of my clothes are waaay up here in my room. Fun times.

In other news, last night I had a dream that could've qualified as a Stargate Atlantis/Quantum Leap crossover. Seriously. I played out pretty much exactly like an episode. Sam jumped into Shepperd to do... something, and there was lots of McKay being McKay and Shepperd being, well... Sam, and Al standing next to Shepperd!Sam - who was sitting in the Control Chair - punching stuff on his consul and complaining about Ziggy. There was also lots of McKay saying something snarky and McKay-ey, and then Shepperd!Sam agreeing with him completely and saying the likes of "whatever you say" and *meaning* it and McKay doing a double take and looking at him funny and asking "Are you sure you're okay? You are *never* this agreeable." and Sheppard!Sam saying something like "Um, yeah. I'm not really myself today." And lo, fans of both shows everywhere giggled like mad.

Too bad I can't remember what the plot was. It would've made a really good fic.

That said, I plan on lying around and doing nothing today. Aside from laundry, that is. Already watched one episode of Dead Zone, and I'm in the middle of the second one right now. Sadness that these are the last two episodes I'll be able to watch until I get the money to buy Seasons 4 and 5, but YAY weekends!

friends, dreams, quantum leap, ow, sga, dead zone, bonfire

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