(no subject)

May 24, 2008 22:02

Went to visit parents yesterday and spent the night. Caught up with both of them on whats going on with their jobs (Mom is getting a new CEO and he has all these new requirements she's kinda Arg! over, Dad is having a blast with his new job surveying for archaeological sites), told them how I did in classes, and the \o/ about the financial aid and the good grades.

Also had Dad check out Coyote because I've had a few transmission hiccups the last few weeks. He drove it to Marshfield and back and didn't feel anything amiss, so that is a huge relief to me. I do, however, have to think about getting new tires because the front two are starting to get some cracks in the treads, which isn't a good thing. A new set will cost at least 300 dollars, so I'm kinda "Arg! More money I don't have!" over that, but Dad also said I could probably prolong the money spending by rotating the front two to the back and bringing the back two forward. He's going to set up an appointment for me at Simon's for next week, who will also check my ball-bearings and hinges and what not for about 20 bucks, which I can do.

Dad also changed my oil for me and put in a new filter. Coyote is happy now.

Headed back to Plover around 3, going in convoy with my parents part way because they're on their way up to Ripon to check out one of the archaeological sites dad's boss is opening up for a survey, and they'll be spending the night at my grandparents up there. I would love to go with, but tomorrow I'm going to a concert with palpitation, which is much with the GLEE! even though I have all of one Panic at the Disco song. However, Emmies and Cristin ladysorka have got nothing but good to say about the group, and it is insanely sad that I know a whole bunch about the group and their personal lives *through* Cristin and Emmies, so I didn't think to turn down an opportunity not *only* to see mah Emmies in person, but also to find out what the fuss is all about. Also, I fully intend to "dress up" a bit (as in, I'll wear one of my skirts with a t-shirt) in hopes of getting the "wheee, I wanna be a girl!" thing out of my system.

Anyway, once in Plover I took a nap, and then I went out roller blading with JB around 7. First time I had ever used my own roller blades, and it was the first time I had been on roller blades period since I was 16. And of course, we decided to blade the mile/mile and a half to Belts for ice cream instead of just a few times around the block as had been my initial thought when I got the blades in the first place. I am insanely pleased that I only fell on my ass twice, but I am rather unhappy that the blades themselves are extremely tight around my calves to the point where I'm pretty sure there will be bruises come morning. They're good for short distances - which is why I didn't notice the "omg, ow" when I first bought them and tried them on, but after about a half a mile or so it goes from "wheee! This is fun!" to "Ow, can we please stop now?" In fact, even though I took the suckers off more than an hour ago now, I still have a dent in one of my legs. And I didn't even have them that tight.

Ah, well, live and learn. Was still fun, even with the ouch-factor.

jb, ow, parents, car

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