(no subject)

May 23, 2008 10:24

I need to update my virus scan soon. Not sure if I wanna stick with Avira or switch to something else. Avira works quite well, honestly, but it tends to slow down my computer quite a bit when its doing a scan, which is a little frustrating. It is also about five dollars more per year than your average American anti-virus, though I gotta admit that when it asks me to install something using "installarin" instead of "install", I go kinda geeky.

My dad uses McAffee, which has an automatic update that runs pretty neatly in the background without slowing things down *too* much, but I'm not sure that would be a good program for a lap top because I'm not sure what size it is or how much ram it requires. I know that with Norton, it took *forever* for my computer to load because the program was so friggin big and definitely not designed with lap tops in mind.

Any suggestions? I am kind of leaning toward McAffee, or just renewing my Avira. Choices choices.

question, computer

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