(no subject)

Apr 10, 2008 20:34

It is *icky* outside! The weather's been going between snow and sleet and slush and rain and back again all day with 30 mile per hour winds. That's the *average* speed, not including the 35-40 mph (or more) gusts. Also, scattered lightning strikes all over the midwest. Icky, I tell you. EXTREME ICKY!

It is a very good night to be curled up under a blanket in a nice warm house with a cup of hot coco to cuddle.

In other news, because I haven't taken my second Stats exam yet, and because the teacher will be going over it tomorrow at the beginning of class, I don't have to actually be at school until 12:30. Then I'll take the exam after class at 1 and then I will be *finished* for the week. Yes, getting sick sucked royal butt monkey, but if I had to get sick, it was a good week to do so.

classes, weather, wisconsin, spring

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